Through Our Faith -NO Weapon Formed Against US Shall Prosper.

I have had all I can stand of naysayers and fear mongerers. (Yes I know that’s not a word.) GOD and goodness always prevail.

And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you.  -Matthew 17:20

Once upon a time I felt so alone and unable to trust even one human being that I spent nearly a year of my life quiet inside. Feeling I couldn’t tell another living soul what was happening with me; I drifted forward -some of those days uncertain I could last even one more day on this earth.

One day, on the way home from work I felt compelled drive across town, completely out of my way to stop at was once my favorite church in the city. I followed my intuition. Soon enough I was kneeling in a beautiful grotto reduced to tears, unable to pray, unsure of just about anything. All I could muster was, “Please help me.” Minutes later a warm hug came into my heart that said, “Do not be afraid. I am with you. Pray. Pray. Pray.”

I went home and began to do exactly that and my life changed in miraculous ways.  Almost forty years later, I am here to tell you that prayer is still one of the most, if not The most powerful tools we each possess.

By definition, the word, “pray” means: 1: to make a request in a humble manner; 2: to address God or a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving. For me, it has always meant constant conversation where I listen and pay attention as much as, if not more, than I speak.

When I first started writing this blog (it has been sitting here for weeks unfinished), I was upset by the number of people saying that we will never be the same again after this pandemic; that we would never recover. I was mortified hearing people say that we could never sing in church again and that we might never be able to have large gatherings.  The worst I heard was that Grandparents may never see their families in person again because of the risk.  I am always against broad generalizations, but these…they stuck in my heart BIG because I know how powerful God is. 

This was of course, before George Floyd was murdered. (Yes, I know there are others and I know their names.)

I hate it when monumental things happen and ordinary people like me decide to weigh in and explain what is happening and what we should be doing. The truth is, the only legitimate answer I continually come to for myself is prayer.

Spare me your lists of things I ought be doing.  Truth be told, I was already doing them eons before any of this stuff happened. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to look for the beauty and the good in people, because it’s present in all of us. It doesn’t take a lot to stand with those who need inclusivity, assistance, justice, acceptance, equality, a voice and/or especially love -because it’s what is expected of ALL of us. 

It is still true that hearts and voices joined together, lifted to the heavens land squarely in the lap of the Almighty. God hears us and He STILL answers prayers. I will continue to use my knees as I always have and while I’m at it, I’ll be praying that your prayers are joined with mine.

PS-You’re missing out if you don’t click through and listen to this beautiful song!


When We Pray by: Tauren Wells


People hurting, people broken
Beaten down and feeling hopeless
Wonder if it’s gonna always be this way
Who will speak up for the captive
Show some love and heal a past that
Binds the wounds we think will never go away
But what if we could be a people on our knees
As one before the King
‘Cause we believe
All the world starts changing
When the church starts praying
Strongholds start to break
Oh, when we pray
Prison walls start shaking
At the sound of praising
Nothing stays the same
Oh, when we pray
Oh, when we pray, oh
I see revival rising
I see hope on the horizon
As a generation stepping out in faith
Because we will be a people on our knees
As one before the King
‘Cause we believe
All the world starts changing
When the church starts praying
Strongholds start to break
Oh, when we pray
Prison walls start shaking
At the sound of praising
Nothing stays the same
Oh, when we pray
Oh, when we pray, oh
Let Your kingdom come, Lord
Let Your will be done

In Jesus’s name (when we pray)
In Jesus’s name (when we pray)


From The Angels:

You are part of an awesome and powerful team of benevolent beings. They surround, guide, and love you constantly. If you are in danger, they will intervene with warnings or lifesaving measures. If you are afraid, they will comfort you with the energy of Divine love. If you are confused, they will whisper guidance in your ear.

Your angels and guides ask you to talk to them more frequently. Have mental conversations with them about everything, and you will soon see evidence of their existence. Soon, the angels will enlist you to help other people. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the angels to help you release these fears.

God, the angels and the ascended masters who love, protect and guide you are watching over you right now. YOU ARE NOT ALONE and YOU ARE SAFE!

All of your prayers are always answered. Sometimes you may not feel this way, because the answer comes in unexpected ways. Perhaps you receive an intuitive feeling or a new opportunity appears–or a book falls off the shelf. The angels answer our prayers very often by giving us ideas or information in these everyday ways.

The angels request that you be extra observant at this time. Notice everything that you hear, say, think, and feel. Be especially alert to help that comes to you, and be sure to accept that help. You do deserve this assistance and many times God enlists people to act as Earth angels who bring you answers to your prayers.

Fear not, beloved one. Your prayers have been heard and answered.

Jesus looked straight at them and answered, “This is impossible for human beings, but for God everything is possible.”

Matthew 19:26 GNB

Today’s Prayer:

Dear Lord,

It feels gloomy outside today, even though the sun is shining and it’s trying to enter my soul. Please help me to defeat it. When I was down and scared and I reached for your hand, it was there. I know it’s there right now because I believe even though I cannot see.

Please send the light of your love into every person’s heart. Enlighten us and enable us to see one another through the eyes you intended us to use all along–the eyes of love, compassion and understanding. Help us to recognize that we belong to one another and that it’s up to each of us to take care of one another.

Help us to listen to and finally hear one another and let us do so with the intent of finding our similarities instead of our differences. Reform the hearts that need it; open the hearts that need it; heal the hearts that need it.

Help us all to shine in the light of your unending and all encompassing love and forgiveness.

In your Son Jesus name, I humbly pray.

I love you.



It’s Gonna Get Better.

Lately it seems that my signs are coming by way of songs. Often I get so busy with the tasks of each day and the responsibilities of my many jobs, that I feel pressed to find my inspiration. So often lately, the minute this comes to my mind, a sign appears.

Today again, it’s come in a song.

Of course I had to share it with you!

With love,


Continue reading “It’s Gonna Get Better.”

Take Heart!

Yet another time God places exactly what I need right in my path. So beautiful!

While the entire country has been quieted and people all over are staying healthy at home, it seems like my professional and personal life has ramped up to be busier than ever before. There aren’t enough hours in my days lately. I am beyond grateful for this, but often it makes this little blog of mine have to take a back seat.

As so often happens, when I am looking for the words I want to say, God places them right in front of me in the most beautiful ways. This morning, it’s a song. Please consider this my love note to you today and always. AND if you need to send a love note to someone, by all means share this.

God Bless you!

Love, Bobbe



From the Angels:

The angels know that you’re busy, with many Earthly demands on your time. They want to help you with your responsibilities through the process of balance. Whenever our schedules become disproportionate, our energy drops. Lowered energy creates the illusion that there isn’t enough time in the day, so a vicious cycle of time limitation ensues.

Your angels ask you to add regular doses of meditation, exercise, and play to your days. They know that balancing your life between, work, play, spirituality, exercise, and relationships helps you to grow and feel joy. If you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities, don’t hesitate to ask God and your angels to lift your burden.

The angels guide you to immerse yourself in beautiful music. Music lifts your spirit above earthbound concerns and elevates your thoughts to Divine Love.

You have angels with you who want to help you through the healing properties of music. They ask you to add more music into your life. They guide you to play soft background music while you dress, work, and play. They also ask you to whistles and sing more often.

You may have your very own musical gifts. Have you felt guided lately to comprise a song, participate in a musical play, join a singing groups or band, or play an instrument? These inner nudges may be coming from your angels, who can see your God-given gifts. They know that your musical talents will help others. So, they ask you to be an Earth angel by expressing your gifts of song and melody.


Spending time alone in nature is important for you. Even five minutes in a garden is healing for you right now.

Interact with nature more often, every day if possible. Your angels and the nature angels are helping you discover and give your gifts to the world. Help them to help you by spending more time in nature.

You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings.

Sensitivity is a beautiful and powerful gift, and there’s no such things as being “too sensitive”. Your sensitivity helps you know the truth about situations and people, and it’s important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions, and impressions. Spend some time alone in nature to further develop your sensitivity. Avoid harsh situations and chemicals. Ask heaven for help in choosing life-affirming foods, beverages, companions and activities. Know that its safe for you to feel deep emotions, as they’re a part of your sensitivity. Visualize yourself sealed in beautiful bluish-white light. This light dissolves lower energies, transmuting them into love.


Today’s Prayer:

Oh my Jesus,

It is true that in this world we DO have trouble and lots of it. It’s very easy to see only the darkness. It is very easy to fall into despair. We are separated from one another; isolated from our friends and loved ones; worried about staying well; afraid for those who aren’t. I could continue but you know exactly what’s in my heart.

Today I want to ask you to keep reminding us that you HAVE overcome the world and this pandemic will be healed by your capable hands.

The other night I laid my head upon your knee and as you stroked my forehead you told me that “all will be as it should” and I believe.

Lord Jesus, help us all to be your instruments. Though it may seem as though our hands are tied, may we be reminded that it’s an illusion. There are always things to be done in order to show our love for one another.

Thank you for protecting our loved ones and for your unending presence in our lives.

We love you and we pray in your name.



“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

This Too Shall Pass. Tomorrow’s a Brighter Day.

It is said and it is true that it’s the little things in life that carry us through. God doesn’t always speak from the mountain top…

If you have been following along with these blogs lately, you may already realize that when you keep yourself open to signs, symbols and messages from above, they appear in sometimes vast numbers.

Having felt like crap for a couple of days and knowing that I needed to lean into my faith more than usual, Palm Sunday night I was up off and on silently singing the “Our Father” (It’s my go-to thing to do when my brain will not turn off.) In between my pitch perfect renditions (ha ha), I was talking to Jesus; telling Him my troubles, asking His help, and also thanking him for my Blessings. I told Him that I knew tomorrow would be a brighter day and I promised to continue to try to do my little bit of good wherever possible.

The next morning I got in the car and headed off to work. One of the cool parts of my church job is that I get to be the first (and sometimes only) person to receive special donations sent in for special reasons. Monday the first envelope I opened was from someone I hadn’t heard of before. Inside was a sizable check with a hand-written note attached. “Please make sure this is used to help someone in need at this time.” Of course I cried. What a beautiful thing to do. The second envelope I opened was yet another designated donation. This one had instructions that it is to go to help pay for the meals my husband and I are creating for people who are isolated at home. More happy tears.

To be honest when I finished opening the daily mail, I was so giddy with joy I felt like dancing. The spirit of love and charity is alive and very well in the world right at this moment and thank you, Jesus, I get to experience it first hand nearly every day.

That afternoon I got in the car and when I flipped on the radio, the song that was playing was saying these exact words, “It’s gonna be a brighter day.” I couldn’t tell you the artist, the station, or the tune, but I heard those words and my heart smiled. Indeed.

I had been dreading having to stop at the store, but I forced myself to do it anyway. The was no line and very few people. As I pushed my cart along the isle, a house flag stopped me in my tracks. “Enjoy the little things”, it said, and beneath the words were beautiful, happy flowers in vases. I grabbed it and threw it in my cart. I don’t own a flag pole. This is going on my front door.


Later on the way home I passed a sign out in front of a closed restaurant. It said, “This too Shall Pass.” I know the owner put this up because of the pandemic, but I also know God intended me to see it when I did. I don’t have a lot of memories of my Mom teaching me profound things in life but this phrase is one she did teach me early on and it’s one I have used as a mantra forever.

It is true that “This too shall pass”. While we are waiting, let us all be open to the serendipitous signs that are out there serving as tiny cheers from beyond. We will get through this. We are not alone.


From The Angels:

You are going through a time of rapid spiritual growth. Enjoy the process!

During this time, you might feel a mixture of many feelings: confusion, excitement, fear, and wonder. You love your renewed connection with the Divine, and you wish you could read, study, learn, or meditate on a full time basis. Simultaneously, though, you may worry about the implications that your spiritual studies will have on the rest of your life. What impact will your new spiritual pursuits have on your job, marriage, or friendships? These worries create a fear that may erode the enjoyment your spiritual studies bring you.

Surrender these fears to God, dearest one! Trust hat you are supported, loved, and guided each moment. Don’t worry about how your future will blend with your spiritual growth! Trust that the same Power that brought you to your spiritual spiritual path will also take care of everything else for you. After all, this Power supports all of the planets in the sky. It will surely support you perfectly, too.

You are in communication with your angels, and the messages that you are receiving are very real indeed. Trust them.

This message is validation from your angels that you really are hearing them. You have been receiving repetitive messages through your feelings, dreams, visions, inner voice, or knowingness. Are you listening and trusting these messages? Are you following them?

If you get an. Inclination to call someone, o somewhere, or read something,, it’s important to follow this guidance. Your angels ask you to give all your Danube’s or worries. About Divine. Guidance to them. Know that you truly are communication with heaven, and enjoy the conversations!

You have all of the Power of your Creator within you! All the power of Divine love, wisdom, and intelligence is available to you. You have the spiritual power to see angels and the future. You have intellectual power to tap in to the universal wisdom of the One Mind. You have emotional power to empathize with others, and physical power that is truly unlimited.

The angels ask you to give them any fears you may have connected with being a powerful person. Your angels see a quiet and beautiful aspect of your true power, stemming from the only power in the universe: Divine Love. Allow yourself to shine with this radiant love so that your true power can radiate out into the world in miraculous ways.

Today’s Prayer:

Dearest Lord,

Thank you that in the midst of all of this fear and uncertainty, the signs of your love still shine through. Although it’s easy to turn a blind eye and to dwell in feelings of boredom and fear, you help us to look up and to recognize love can and still does shine bright in the world.

Help us all to shine where we are planted -to do our little bits of good wherever we can. Help us to take care of one another, which is what you have always taught us.

Thank you for your love,


Lyrics to “A Brighter Day” by Kirk Franklin

When I close my eyes and think of you
And reminisce on all the things you do
I can't imagine my life without you
It's like paradise now I know that it's real (um)
It's a mystery for someone
to give their life just for me
What you did on calvary
Makes me wanna love you more

I never knew I could be so happy
And I never knew I'd be so secure because of your love
Life has brand new meaning
It's gonna be a brighter day, brighter day

Never thought that I would smile again
I never thought the dark clouds would end
Never thought the dark clouds would end
Never thought that I could have a friend
That would keep me never leave me alone (um)
Jesus you're my everything
The only one that makes my heart sing (heart sing)
Now I know what real love means
It's everlasting, lasting.


Nothing can compare to the joy ya bring an ever lasting love affair
Jesus my life will never will be same I found someone who truly cares

Click here to be taken to yesterday's message

Palm Sunday Blues

Some days just suck. Let’s be honest.

Some days, believe it or not, I do not feel my best and I feel uninspired. Here is my promise to you right now. I will not miss a single day with the angel messages or the prayers, but sometimes, I might not have a huge inspirational story to accompany them. These days are sometimes hard, even for me.

Today is Palm Sunday, which reminds me that it is always darkest before the dawn. I find it fitting that the coming week is Holy Week and I am feeling rather low. On Palm Sunday when Jesus road through the streets of Jerusalem, people waved palms in the air shouting, “Hosanna!”. “Hosanna”comes from the Hebrew word, “howosiah-ha”, which translated means, “Save us!” Hosanna! Indeed.

I cannot think of a single time in my life that I have ever felt compelled to put palm branches on my front door, but I did today. It’s not that I feel we are doomed or that I am so low I can’t feel that tomorrow isn’t going to be brighter. No. It’s because my faith is strong and I feel inspired to start showing it in more tangible ways. (Remember days ago when I mentioned listening to your heart and acting on its contents? This is me doing that.)


Popping around Facebook and Instagram today, I see that I am not alone in my case of the blahs. Yep. I am human just the same as you and it feels like we are picking up on one another. The one cool thing that I have is that I can hear and see and feel things that I can share and I promise I will continue…even when I feel BLAH like tonight.

Today’s fact is that I stood in my kitchen more than one time and just bawled my eyes out. I went to my parents this afternoon (because that’s what I do on Sunday’s) and I cried all the way home. Sometimes the world is TOO much with me and this is simply the by-product. I cry and there is nothing in the world wrong with it. In fact, if you are finding yourself in tears lately more so than normal, YOU ARE NORMAL. Tears are very healthy.

Let’s just promise to be together and to pray for one another and when we have something worthy to share, we will. (Yes, I recognize I am saying “we”. Ha ha)

Love to all.


PS: You are not alone. We are in this together!

From the Angels:

As always if these messages speak to you, know that they are meant for you!

Meditation is very important for you right now. Enjoy practicing it often.

A quiet mind hears the voice of the angels more easily. Your angels are asking you to quiet your mind so that your angelic communications are loud and clear. First thing in the morning, spend at least five minutes with your eyes closed, and breathe deeply three or four times.

Ask your angels a question, and then listen as intently as you would to a dear friend. Don’t strain to listen; if you chase the answer, it will evade you. Instead, continue to breathe in and out deeply, and allow yourself to relax. Tell yourself that receiving angelic communication is natural for you, and that it is actually an everyday experience. The more you relax your mind, the easier it is for you to hear the answer.

Pay attention to doors that are opening and shutting for you right now. Walk through the doors that open, and learn from the doors that shut.

Your prayers are being answered; there is no doubt about that. However, everything operates according to the Universal Law of Divine Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fatal into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation.

Don’t try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or if it’s simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with faith and gratitude.

Place your focus on all of the positive outcomes that are possibly coming towards you. Use your imagination. Entertain your thoughts in this manner and you will undoubtedly infuse your spirit with positivity. Light generates light and the angels remind you that if you expect it and look for it, it will come.

It may seem difficult to believe but miracles are occurring all around you right now. Begin to notice them and you will experience even more miracles.

The angels with to tell you to expect a miracle. Perhaps you feel that you need one right now because you can’t see any other way to a solution. Be open to allowing God to help you resolve your challenges in ways that will surprise you. you open the door for miracles when you become willing to surrender your fears to God. Visualize the angels carrying away the issue, and feel yourself supported by God’s wisdom and creativity.

As you relax into the Source, you are assured that blessings are surrounding you right now. Be open to a miracle coming your way.

Today’s Prayer:

God please Bless us ALL. We need the strength that only You can provide.

Thank you for the tiniest Blessing such as getting to watch a candle flame dance, listening to music, watching fellow humans make light of this situation, finding toilet paper and especially, smiles exchanged by strangers who aren’t really strangers. WE ARE ALL ONE.

Dearest Jesus, our spirits are waking up…please give us the courage to ACT.

In Your name, I pray.


Click here to be taken to yesterday’s blog.


The Infallible Vantage Point of God.

Here is today’s offering in conjunction with the angels. We don’t know what’s going on but God does.

Think back to a time in your life when you were absolutely certain that you needed a particular thing so much, you did nothing but think of it day and night. For some of us, once upon a time we had a mad crush on a particular person. We were one hundred percent certain that if that person didn’t return our love and adore us back, we would surely die.

Now give some thought to an issue you might have once had. You tried so hard to make whatever it was work, but no matter what you did, you hit a brick wall. Maybe it was a relationship that you tried too hard on. Maybe it was a job that you weren’t happy in, but you needed the money and you were afraid to take a chance on what you really wanted to do.

Do you recall what happened with all of these things? Really think on it. Can you look back and possibly see and realize that what you wanted for yourself at the time, wasn’t really what was best for you? Further, that despite your best efforts to force whatever it was to happen, it didn’t; and what came in it’s place was something that was infinitely better.

If I look back at my own life I can point to some hilarious examples, BUT instead of picking a funny one, I will focus on a profound one. The very best one has to do with the fact that I worked (unhappily) for twenty seven years in our family-owned accounting/business management firm. I can no longer count the number of tears I shed back then, feeling that I was hopelessly tethered to a job I hated and that I wasn’t good at.

When my father announced at the end of 2007 that he was selling the business and there would be no place for me in the sale, I was torn between complete peace and utter fear. I had never done anything else in my life. I had worked myself from answering phones to “girl Friday”, to computer operator; then to Office Manager all the way to Vice President of the firm. I should have felt very angry to be cut out-I was in fact, a shareholder.


I took a couple of years off and when I was ready, I began the search for jobs again. It was hard because it was evident that the only thing I was trained to do was accounting. I had such anxiety about returning to the field that had made me so miserable for years. And so I prayed and I prayed and I prayed some more, asking God to just lead me where I was supposed to be.

Just a few weeks into my search I ended up at the church where I still work today… again…in the position of finance. I remember getting in the car after my first day, bursting into tears. I was so fearful that I didn’t know enough to work there. My husband kept reassuring me that all would be well; I just needed to find my confidence and pray, pray, pray.

This was nine years ago and I am still in the same position at the church. I also do the finances for two other churches and a pretty large non-denominational community ministry—turns out, I’m pretty good at church finance. I also write for a magazine. I also own a fabulous catering company with my husband. I also have now have an enormous extended church family. —ALL of these unforeseen Blessings coming from my trust that God always knows better than me.

What you do not know: For my entire life I have wanted to be a minister, but I never told anyone. For my entire life I have wanted to be a published writer, but I never told anyone. For my entire life I have wanted to inspire people, but the one person I told laughed at me. For my entire life I have wanted to excel at something for which my parents would be proud. (At long last, they seem to be.) For my entire life I have wanted to feel at home in my own skin and also to feel that I am worthy of anything I can imagine. (Still a work in progress.)

Guess who knew what the contents of my heart actually were? Guess who knew what was best for me and lead me to it? God.

Had I not landed in that church, I doubt my other businesses would have been born. My writing job came from a piece I wrote about one of the co-Pastors of the church. Our catering came from cooking the Wednesday night Fellowship meals for the church. And oh yes, best of all, I DO get to minister in oh so many many ways!

So here I am asking you to hang tight at this time. Lean INTO your faith (or mine if you need it.) We really do not know what all of this pandemic stuff is about, but what we can control is our relationship with God and our faith and our love of humankind.

We cannot see what HE sees. Let’s continue to cultivate trust in Him and while we are doing so, let’s take care of one another. THAT we CAN do easily.

My love and prayers are with you ALL!


From the Angels:

Let go, and allow God and the angels to help you. Everything that you release will either be replaced by something better or will be returned to you healed.

When you hold on tightly to a part of your life that’s not working, it has no room to heal. Whether you’re unhappy with your love life, finances, career, home, or health, this card asks you to let go. If you hang on to these aspects of your life because of fears such as, “What if I can’t find someone or something better?” Then the situation will only worsen.

However, if you’re willing to open your hands and allow the situation to be freed, one of two situations will occur: Either it will be washed away from you and replaced by a better situation, or the situation will heal in a miraculous way. The angels ask you to try not to control the outcome of your troubling situation. Let go, and let God help you.

A new flow of support is coming to you right now. Ask the angels to help you release fears about scarcity so that you can enjoy this increased abundance.

Your messenger angels announce the arrival of an inflow of abundance coming your way. The source of all abundance is God, and you at some level had faith that the Creator would supply your needs. Your faith, even if it was small, triggered the abundance that is manifesting for you right now.

Keep your faith, as it will ensure a steady flow of support materially, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. A wonderful affirmation to help you stay in the stream of a steady flow of abundance is, “I accept good graciously into my life. All of my needs are met abundantly for me now and always.”

Fear not, beloved one! Your prayers have been heard and answered.

All of your prayers are always answered. Sometimes you may not feel this way, because the answer comes in unexpected ways. Perhaps you receive an intuitive feeling or a new opportunity appears—or a book falls of the shelf. The angels answer of prayers very often by giving us ideas or information in these everyday ways.

The angels request that you be extra observant. Notice everything that you hear, say, think and feel. Be especially alert to help that comes to you, and be sure to accept that help. You do deserve this assistance, and many times God enlists people to act as Earth angels who bring you answers to your prayers.

Today’s Prayer:

Dearest Lord,

Help us all to remember that just because the answer to our prayers hasn’t come to us directly and immediately, doesn’t mean You haven’t heard us or that answer is no. You have an infallible vantage point that we cannot comprehend, let alone imagine. You always know what’s best for us. Help us to trust that Your will for us is always better than anything we may think we need.

These are trying times for all of us, Lord. The things we are witnessing and experiencing these days seem surreal. In this day and age, how can a virus penetrate the entire world? How has this been allowed to happen? We may never understand, but You do and we trust in Your love and protection.

Today we ask for strength, perseverance, bolstered faith, courage and continued good health. We lift our prayers especially for every person who is in the frontline of this virus: healthcare workers, police, fire fighters, military, truckers, janitors, retail workers and anyone who has the job of caring for family, friends and clients. Please offer extra special strength to the parents who are separated from their children, the elderly who are isolated and the children who do not understand any of this.

Lastly for today, please help us to find ways to make the best of this situation. May we keep our good spirits and help our fellow humans wherever possible. Let us not lose our hope for You have taught us well that through You all things are possible.

We love you and thank you and in Jesus name we pray.


Click here to be taken to yesterday’s blog

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. —Philippians 4:13

You Are Not Alone. I Want to Throat Punch People Too!

How many weeks has this been going on? I can’t even remember. Here is a little angel stuff to get you through your day.

Today I want to remind you that whatever your feelings are right at this moment, they are valid and you are entitled to feel the way you do. Boy, let me tell ya, my emotions are all over the map, but I am doing okay because I know that no one on earth has ever experienced what’s going on right now. Whatever I feel is what I feel and it will pass. The same is true for you. Give yourself (and your family members) grace at this time.

If you are anything like me right now, things that are ordinarily easy to look past, are glowing red and causing you to want to explode. Yesterday I was so busy at work I barely had time to look up, but when I did, I noticed that I was not myself. The frustration bubbling up inside me was almost immeasurable. In fact, a few times I had the instinct to just get in my car and go home.  LOL!

Lucky for me I work in a church (although if I were writing this yesterday I’d have said, OH MY GAWD, I HATE working with CHURCH people! ha ha) Late in the afternoon I was able to sneak across the parking lot to the church next door where I encountered some sweet ladies, one of whom is a Minster. We all sat down in the lobby, ten feet apart and just chatted for a couple of minutes about life and the fact that Easter is just around the corner. Anyone in the world who is presently part of a church staff understands that this uncharted territory we’re in right now. There is ten times more work happening right now than normally would be happening.

I laughed so hard when Mother Sweets (not her real name) told me that she was in her kitchen a few nights ago practically throwing pots and pans everywhere; anger had just bubbled up, she told us, and it was okay. Likewise she was saying that she would like to strangle people when they say to her, “You must be enjoying just staying home for a change.” That fantasy of relaxing at home isn’t happening in the lives of Ministers all over the world. No. They are learning new technology for online services, making endless lists of people who are in need, trying to figure out how to celebrate special Holidays like Easter without being together as a congregation, learning how to fill out paperwork for financial aid, worrying what will happen if people stop giving. The list is endless, just as it is endless for any other person in the world at this time. 

We are all walking through uncharted territory. The good news is that we are never alone.

The good news is that there IS good news out there. Just this morning I watched a news piece about a family that had recently experienced a death. Because funerals cannot happen at this time, their family and friends made a car procession through the deceased man’s neighborhood. His parents stood outside their home and as each car passed by, they threw flowers, let go of balloons, held up signs and blew kisses. It was beautiful to see. Sympathy was expressed through this loving act of kindness.  I cried when I watched it not because I was sad that they couldn’t have a funeral. No. I cried because the human spirit is a beautiful thing.

Where there is a will, there is a way and that’s what I want us all to focus on today. We cannot live our daily lives the same as we are used to, but we CAN always find inventive ways to carry forward….especially since we are ALL Blessed and loved by God.

With love to you!


You will search for me,
and when you search for
me with all your heart,
you will find me.


From the Angels:

Always keep in mind that if a message resonates with you strongly, it’s absolutely meant for you.

A clean slate is presented to you now as you encounter fresh opportunities and novel experiences.

Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people, and projects. The angels know that change can be frightening, and they surround you now with loving energy. Call upon them whenever you feel afraid of facing novel situations. They will boost your confidence and energy so that you can enjoy your new beginnings.

Sometimes we cling to old routines because they are familiar. The angels ask you to be open to new approaches to life. Perhaps they will teach you a new way of looking at situations. Or maybe they will call on you to learn a new skill. Whatever the new beginning is for you, allow yourself to be stretched by the fresh circumstances. We learn about ourselves through new experiences.


God, the angels, and the ascended masters who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now. You are not alone, and you are safe.

Be reassured that you are part of an awesome and powerful team of benevolent beings. They surround, guide, and love you constantly. If you are in danger, they will intervene with warnings or lifesaving measures. If you are afraid, they will comfort you with the energy of Divine love. If you are confused, they will whisper guidance in your ear.

You are being asked to talk to your angels and guides more frequently. Have mental conversations with them about everything, and you will soon see evidence of their existence. Soon, the angels will enlist you to help other people. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the angels to help you release these fears.

Today’s prayer:

Oh Dear Lord,

Sometimes this life is sooooooo hard. I know I’ve said this a million times before, but maybe it was never so true as it is today.

Wait. I can hear you laughing (and it’s making me smile).

Let me start again.

Thank you Lord for the ability to change how I perceive things. I know that life is only as hard as I make it and that every hard time feels like it’s the worst it’s ever been. Challenges will always be present. Hard times will come upon us off and on throughout our lives, but we are to remember that you live in our hearts and it’s Your blood in our veins and that means we are part of the Divine and for Divinity, nothing is impossible, not even this.

I know that you have given us the tools we need in order to navigate through life and I thank you.

Please continue to Bless and keep those who land on this page as well as their friends and their families and my family too. May we all remain safe and of good and steady spirit as we make our way through this pandemic.

Bolster our faith, dear Lord. Help us to lean into you more. May we even take this time to strengthen our relationship with you, who offers us unending unconditional love.

In your Son Jesus name, I pray.


Click here to be taken to yesterday’s messages and prayers

Day Five. Faith and Intuition – Hand in Hand

News flash! I slept last night! Well, kind of. Okay…MUCH more than normal…at least three hours straight!

Since I wasn’t up all night, I didn’t get a head start on today’s blog so here I am a little late. Today seemed to last forever for me…so much work to do. Being that I work for multiple non profit agencies and all of them are applying for aid, I spent double overtime time glued to the numbers with the promise of tomorrow being a full day and evening of the same. The Blessing: I still have a job and I can still leave the house to work.

Tonight my head is splitting and my gut instinct is to figure out where my white sage is in order to drive the negativity out of and to purify the air in this house. At this point I know it’s time to start making my home more of a sanctuary-my own sacred space-and so this will be on the agenda for the next couple of days.

If you’re anything like me, feeling a bit depleted, know you are not alone. What always gives me comfort is to lean into my faith and listen to my intuition. Tonight this is telling me to sage the house and take the steps to care for my mental health. Looks like new candles and crystals are in my immediate future!

For now, I leave you with some angelic wisdom and today’s prayer. Know that there are better days ahead. Life is cyclic so soon enough, we will be back on top again. Keep praying and keep believing. All will be well!

With love, Bobbe

From the Angels:

You are asked to remember the healing power of faith. The Divine Healer and teacher, Jesus, frequently taught and demonstrated that with faith, all things are possible. Jesus and Archangel Raphael can boost your belief and trust if you’ve been struggling because of recent events. You can borrow their perfect faith to help you remember that everything really is in perfect order, even if appearances seem to contradict this spiritual truth.

You are asked to expect miracles in surprising and unexpected ways. Continually give your worries to God, and listen for inner guidance about which actions to take.

Trust and follow your intuition. It is God and the angels speaking to you.

Lean into your Divine Guidance right now. The gut feelings you have, the knowingness, the visions, or the inner voice are all trying to tell you something, and it is very important that you trust and follow this guidance.

Pay close attention to the message, “Have faith”, above. That message is intentionally delivered along side this one because the angels want to impress upon you that one is as necessary as the other. You are fully capable and supported in listening to and following your true intuition. What is it telling you right now? Close your eyes and breathe in the silence. What comes to your heart?

Today’s Prayer:

Dearest Lord,

You know that I have always known in my heart that we are all connected. YOU taught me this. It is so evident to me right now as I find that I am not sleeping well, my patience feels at a new low, my ears are continually ringing and I just—feel—drained.

Likewise, my intuition is continually telling me that the truth behind this “Covid-19 virus” just isn’t exactly as we are being told. While I cannot put my finger on it exactly, my hearts tells me there is more to this story and I feel that I am not alone in my feelings.

Jesus, there is nothing outside of your sight. You know the truth. You can see it ALL. I place my faith squarely on YOU as I know that at the present time, I am helpless to do anything but pray for my family and friends and for those who are leaders in this world.

Jesus please instill in me, my family and friends, and in all those who read this, the courage and the spirit needed to march forward according to the direction of our hearts, which are born of and remain connected eternally to YOUR perfect heart.

We can do ALL things, ENDURE all things, and GET BEYOND all things through YOU, who gives strength.

In your name Jesus, I pray. Please protect us all.


P.S. from BOBBE:

Just now I uploaded this and went to check my email. I have belonged to a neat site for years that sends me daily spiritual messages. Look what was waiting for me tonight. Confirmation much? ❤️

Oh Quiet Mind Where Art Thou? Day Four.

I don’t think there is a person among us who isn’t stressed out. Hoping these few words will help a little.

Not sure what compels me to keep numbering these blogs, but here I am again in the wee hours of the morning, picking away at this virtual keyboard. It’s dark and quiet and I am finding myself alternating between moments of anxiety, clarity, dread and peace. Trying to quiet the mind is an ongoing battle many of us are facing right now. Seems like mine is working double overtime tonight.

I am catching myself being overly angry and critical in my thoughts. “I don’t approve of what this person’s doing or how that person is handling this crisis. That person’s attitude offends me. This person makes my skin crawl. Why do I have to be bothered right now? What’s going to happen next? Doesn’t she ever stop talking? Why is she so loud? Where is my next assignment? I would have had them out by now, if I were doing it. Doesn’t she ever put the phone down? Why did he say that? I wouldn’t handle it that way.”

Who IS this tiny mean girl in my brain anyway? This isn’t who I normally am. Thankfully it truly isn’t, which makes it easier for me to realize that it’s probably just a normal byproduct of being stressed out and overly stimulated by the constant news of Covid 19. I mean seriously. No one speaks of anything else. I understand why, but it’s hard to take in never-ending doses. Isn’t it?

Today after work my husband and I sat in our living room with the TV off and the windows open. It was glorious. There was a lovely breeze and the sun was shining and for those few moments I felt at peace. I asked why he had the TV off (because he is usually a 24/7 news enthusiast) and he said, “It’s too much. I am just tired of hearing it. Silence is good.” And he was right. We have plans to repeat this behavior again today.

It’s important to cultivate time for peace in daily life. I know right now this may seem impossible. You may be home with a house full of children or caring for ailing parents or living with a spouse you don’t get along with and on top of this you’ve lost your job and you don’t know how you will pay your bills…the list goes on and on for all of us. My sitting here in the dark telling  you to cultivate peace in your daily life might even make you angry. That’s okay. I’ll just blame it on the tiny mean girl in my brain.

The thing is, there are aspects of our lives that are currently out of our control, like having to stay in our homes, what’s being broadcast across all media, places of employment being closed, having to work from home and home school your kids at the same time…the list is endless. Here in Kentucky just two days ago our cells phones and TV’s went off as if there was an incoming bomb ready to hit. It was just a reminder to stay at home. Talk about out of our control coupled with LOUD and uncalled for!

We have to remember there are still plenty of things within our control such AS carving out a time for peace. This can mean anything you want it to. I cannot emphasize enough how a simple thing like declaring silent time in the house works wonders. Music is incredibly helpful too. Put on your favorites and sing or meditate. Sit in a chair outside and breathe in the fresh morning or evening air. Sit there with your favorite beverage and simply BE in the moment. Write out a list of positive affirmations or keep a book to write your prayers in. You get where I am going! Pick something and force yourself to do it every day.

Most of all, make the time every day to sit and count your Blessings. I know it sounds trite, with all that is happening around us, but it helps. (Perhaps create a Blessings Box or jar and force yourself and every member of the family to put something in it every day.) And by ALL means, pour your heart out to God who is always present and loves you.

With love,


From the Angels:

Please note that if this message speaks to you, it was absolutely meant FOR you.

Spend some time alone in quiet thought. Clear your mind, and focus on your truth and priorities.

Are you having to push yourself too hard, be loved child of God? The angels remind us that rest is a natural cycle in every living thing. Think of the mighty oak tree that grows in spurts and then rests. It draws its nourishment from deep within the earth, and takes its time before growing upward again. Like the oak tree, it’s important for you to nourish yourself with spiritual and emotional “food.”

While you are resting, take time to reflect on your heart’s true feelings and desires. Your angels speak to you through your heart, and when you listen to and honor your feelings, you walk hand-in-hand with God and the angels. You will know that it is true Divine guidance, and not just your imagination or wishful thinking if it speaks to your desire to make a difference in the world. If your heart calls on you to act one something. Follow through.

Remember too, that there is no one right way to be feeling at this time. Grant yourself permission to be temporarily frightened or sad or angry or worried -for a period of time- but then you must release the feeling completely so the light can enter it. To realize any type of healing, you must stop focusing on “what is wrong” and instead affirm: “Everything is in Divine and perfect order right now.”


Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows! Luke 12:7

Today’s Prayer:

Dearest Lord,

I’m finding it so hard to control my emotions lately. From one hour to the next, I can go from tears, to anger, to laughter, to fear and back again. I’m snapping at my family members -even the dog- and having all sorts of negative thoughts. Please help me to find a way to bring some peace into this crazy human life right now. I know that I can do all things through you, but I often get so wrapped up in what’s going on in my life, that I forget to ask you for help. Even worse, I almost always forget that once I ask you for assistance in my life, I can stop worrying over it, because I’ve placed my burden exactly where it should be.

Jesus, our world is broken and we need you to show us the way. Help us to step back, pick up our faith, breathe in the light of your unending love and move forward renewed.

Please Bless and keep my friends, old, new and those I’ve never met and my family healthy, safe and bathed in your light.

I pray in your name, Jesus. 


From Bobbe:

If you are reading this and you have a prayer request, please leave it in the comments where I will see it and others will too. Miracles happen when we pray together. 

Click here to be taken to yesterday’s messages and prayer.



Counting Your Blessings. Day Three.

Remembering that each day has its own Blessings attached.

Praise the Lord, who carries our burdens day after day; he is the God who saves us. Psalms 68:19 GNB

In the late nineties I used to host a very large weekly group chat that developed as a result of my then website, Trinity Angels. The site was all about -you guessed it- angels, and I posted something there just about every day. One evening during the group chat while discussing God’s Blessings, I got the idea of creating a “Blessing Box”.

Our Blessings Box was an actual box that I filled with a few meaningful (to me) items. The idea was that all of these items, including the box, were filled with my energy, love and prayers and when sent out, each recipient could add his/her energy, love and prayers to it too. While the box was in a person’s home, they were to pray for the special intentions of the people on the list. It would stay in place for one week and then would the be sent to another person on the list.

I invited people to sign up to be on the shipping list for the box; then I placed the list inside along with a diary and a pretty pen. Before mailing it out to the first person, I wrote my prayer for the people who would receive it next and included the simple instructions: 

  1. Keep the box in a prominent place in your home for one week and when you pass it, pray for the people who may receive it next.
  2. Take one item from the box to keep and replace it with something of your choosing.
  3. Write your prayers and reflections in the diary.
  4. Mail it off to another person (of your choosing) on the list.
  5. The last person who receives the box, mails it back to me.

Thirty years later I can still feel the joy that little project brought to all of us. It took half a year to make its way back to me, but when it did, the diary was full of the most loving sentiments, prayers and experience stories! Every single person had something profoundly beautiful happen as a result of the box. And they had added the most beautiful things too: dried petals from a Wedding bouquet, holy cards, old photos, feathers, crystals, Rosaries, even a gold angel pendant. The list is vast. New names had been added to the list as well, so after I included a new diary and some other items, I sent it on its way again. After some time, we lost track of it and it never returned, but to me, the project was a complete success. Thirty years later I still get weepy remembering that project.

Why did it work? First, because when I received the idea in my heart, I acted on it. Second and more importantly: because we infused that box with love and love, my friends, creates miraculous things.

We’re all in this pandemic together and it’s hard, but every day still comes with it’s Blessings. God is still speaking into our hearts. Making a Blessings box might not be the greatest thing to do at the present time, but I am willing to bet we can find other ways to share our love and Blessings with one another.

Go on. Give it a go. What ideas and inspiration are making themselves known to you?

From the Angels:

*Keep in mind that if this angel message speaks to you, it is absolutely meant for you today.

Pay attention to new thoughts and ideas that come to you. They are seeds of magnificent co-creations with God.

God speaks to you through your thoughts, and the angels want you to notice and follow the ideas you have recently received. These are answers to prayers for guidance, so please don’t count them as mere imagination.

The angels seek to give you confidence that you are just as capable as any other child of God. That is because all wonderful ideas originate from the one Divine mind of God. Since God is omnipresent, meaning everywhere, God is within you. So, God’s mind continuously expresses new thoughts and ideas right inside your mind.

The angels want you to know you have extra blessings around you right now. Perhaps you have recently experienced some challenges, or maybe you are currently seeking some extra help. Either way, the angels surround you now with more Divine love than ever. Additional angels are with you, giving you an added cushion of light and love.

Sometimes you may feel as if God and the angels have abandoned you. They are not gone and they cannot leave you ever. It is only your fear that makes us blind and mute to the presence of our angels. Yet your angels can lift away your fears if you will ask and then let them. You are truly blessed and very, very loved by God and the angels.

Today’s prayer:

Dearest Lord,

We know You are continually speaking into our hearts. Sometimes, especially right now during this frightening time in the world, we have trouble tuning in and hearing. Please help us to recognize your voice and when You offer us an idea, help us to act on it. Perhaps in addition to our prayers, you want us to write letters or make phone calls or even go out on the street to wave at strangers to make them smile. Whatever it is, please help us to discern that when it’s a loving thought, it’s definitely You and it’s definitely within our power to act on it.

Please dear Jesus be with those who are lonely, frightened, confused, financially burdened, isolated and/or sick. Heal them all and help those of us who are able bodied and well to have follow through on checking on those who may have special needs. Help us remember and honor that now is not the time to be embarrassed of our emotions or intentions. Instead, we know it’s time to rise up and be your instruments in whatever capacity we can.

Lord also be with those and give extra strength to those who are working tirelessly throughout this pandemic whose professions are too numerous to name.

Thank you, Dear Lord, for the Blessings of each day. One of the many Blessings of mine today is that the sun in shining. Stores may not have exactly what we need, but they have plenty to meet our needs and for this Blessing, I am grateful. Thank you too, that because of technology, most of us are able to feel a little closer to one another.

In your Son Jesus name I pray.


Click here to be taken to yesterday’s messages and prayers.