Goodwill Towards All

Is anyone else as depressed as I am?

Sometimes I think we’d all be better off without social media. (In fact, I know we would, but I also know there are many positives that come along with it when it’s used correctly, so I’m not going to go there today.)

I really hate bloggers who try to come across as if they can make sense of the nonsensical. This isn’t me trying to do that, because I absolutely know there is no sense to be made out of the current state of the world. Every place I look I see people broadcasting their opinions of our Government and our people and the people in charge. I see Trump haters, I see Democrat haters, I see people condemning racism, I see people condemning rioting and looting, I see Black Lives Matter, I see All Lives matter, I see people shouting to defund the police, I see people posting photos of abused animals, I see people fighting oppression, I see people correcting the spelling and grammar of strangers and friends, I see people making fun of all of the above. It doesn’t end. I could fill this entire blog with “I see’s”.

We don’t walk down the street and shout in the faces of the strangers we pass, “Impeach Trump Now!”; “Stop Abusing Animals!” (Oh wait. Seems like we are doing that now.) Why do we do what we do on social media? Just stop.

One of the anomalies I’m finding lately is that people who absolutely never like or comment on a single thing I post, feel it’s perfectly fine to come through and leave lengthy comments educating me on why I am wrong in my opinion. For those who need a reminder of the definition of the word “opinion”, I am leaving it below.


  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

I find it both hilarious and offensive that people who have known me for my entire life-the very ones who have at times berated me because I am “too nice” and “too giving” now border on calling me a “racist”, and worse in my opinion (there’s that word again) they imply I need to be educated about racism.

I pretty much spend every part of my life in the service of others. This is a choice I’ve made for myself because of the one reason that I’ve published numerous times before: God sees. If I come across something on social media that isn’t what I believe or think is true, I read it and move along knowing that differences of opinion are totally fine. I don’t dislike a person because he/she doesn’t believe the same as I do and I definitely do not berate or look down on anyone who is different than me either. That’s called respect and it makes me sad that we seem to be losing that in our society.

You know what else is sad? I started this blog in JANUARY. I felt this way PRIOR to what is currently taking place in our world. How much worse is everything right this moment compared to the olden days of January, 2020?

It’s enough already. It’s time for ALL of us to STOP and remember that we belong to one another. We are all spirits living a human existence the best way we know how. We need to join hands and help one another and stop all of this nonsensical posturing.

If you believe in something, by all means shout it from the rooftops. I will open my eyes and and ears to see and hear you and I won’t be berating you or unfriending you if I don’t agree with what you say. Let’s all afford one another the right to their opinions.

Also remember that how you treat others speaks volumes about who YOU are not vice versa.

Today’s Prayer:

Dearest Lord,

There are relationships in every community and family in the world in need of your healing. There are relationships in my own life that I have no idea what to do to heal.

You do.

A long time ago I used to pray this simple prayer, “Dearest Lord. I can’t. You can. Please do.” This is the only prayer that comes to my heart lately. I remain open to your healing and to your direction on what to do next.

Until then, I will continue in your service, trying desperately to hold on to hope. My faith will never waver.

I love you.

In Jesus name I pray.


Through Our Faith -NO Weapon Formed Against US Shall Prosper.

I have had all I can stand of naysayers and fear mongerers. (Yes I know that’s not a word.) GOD and goodness always prevail.

And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you.  -Matthew 17:20

Once upon a time I felt so alone and unable to trust even one human being that I spent nearly a year of my life quiet inside. Feeling I couldn’t tell another living soul what was happening with me; I drifted forward -some of those days uncertain I could last even one more day on this earth.

One day, on the way home from work I felt compelled drive across town, completely out of my way to stop at was once my favorite church in the city. I followed my intuition. Soon enough I was kneeling in a beautiful grotto reduced to tears, unable to pray, unsure of just about anything. All I could muster was, “Please help me.” Minutes later a warm hug came into my heart that said, “Do not be afraid. I am with you. Pray. Pray. Pray.”

I went home and began to do exactly that and my life changed in miraculous ways.  Almost forty years later, I am here to tell you that prayer is still one of the most, if not The most powerful tools we each possess.

By definition, the word, “pray” means: 1: to make a request in a humble manner; 2: to address God or a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving. For me, it has always meant constant conversation where I listen and pay attention as much as, if not more, than I speak.

When I first started writing this blog (it has been sitting here for weeks unfinished), I was upset by the number of people saying that we will never be the same again after this pandemic; that we would never recover. I was mortified hearing people say that we could never sing in church again and that we might never be able to have large gatherings.  The worst I heard was that Grandparents may never see their families in person again because of the risk.  I am always against broad generalizations, but these…they stuck in my heart BIG because I know how powerful God is. 

This was of course, before George Floyd was murdered. (Yes, I know there are others and I know their names.)

I hate it when monumental things happen and ordinary people like me decide to weigh in and explain what is happening and what we should be doing. The truth is, the only legitimate answer I continually come to for myself is prayer.

Spare me your lists of things I ought be doing.  Truth be told, I was already doing them eons before any of this stuff happened. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to look for the beauty and the good in people, because it’s present in all of us. It doesn’t take a lot to stand with those who need inclusivity, assistance, justice, acceptance, equality, a voice and/or especially love -because it’s what is expected of ALL of us. 

It is still true that hearts and voices joined together, lifted to the heavens land squarely in the lap of the Almighty. God hears us and He STILL answers prayers. I will continue to use my knees as I always have and while I’m at it, I’ll be praying that your prayers are joined with mine.

PS-You’re missing out if you don’t click through and listen to this beautiful song!


When We Pray by: Tauren Wells


People hurting, people broken
Beaten down and feeling hopeless
Wonder if it’s gonna always be this way
Who will speak up for the captive
Show some love and heal a past that
Binds the wounds we think will never go away
But what if we could be a people on our knees
As one before the King
‘Cause we believe
All the world starts changing
When the church starts praying
Strongholds start to break
Oh, when we pray
Prison walls start shaking
At the sound of praising
Nothing stays the same
Oh, when we pray
Oh, when we pray, oh
I see revival rising
I see hope on the horizon
As a generation stepping out in faith
Because we will be a people on our knees
As one before the King
‘Cause we believe
All the world starts changing
When the church starts praying
Strongholds start to break
Oh, when we pray
Prison walls start shaking
At the sound of praising
Nothing stays the same
Oh, when we pray
Oh, when we pray, oh
Let Your kingdom come, Lord
Let Your will be done

In Jesus’s name (when we pray)
In Jesus’s name (when we pray)


From The Angels:

You are part of an awesome and powerful team of benevolent beings. They surround, guide, and love you constantly. If you are in danger, they will intervene with warnings or lifesaving measures. If you are afraid, they will comfort you with the energy of Divine love. If you are confused, they will whisper guidance in your ear.

Your angels and guides ask you to talk to them more frequently. Have mental conversations with them about everything, and you will soon see evidence of their existence. Soon, the angels will enlist you to help other people. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the angels to help you release these fears.

God, the angels and the ascended masters who love, protect and guide you are watching over you right now. YOU ARE NOT ALONE and YOU ARE SAFE!

All of your prayers are always answered. Sometimes you may not feel this way, because the answer comes in unexpected ways. Perhaps you receive an intuitive feeling or a new opportunity appears–or a book falls off the shelf. The angels answer our prayers very often by giving us ideas or information in these everyday ways.

The angels request that you be extra observant at this time. Notice everything that you hear, say, think, and feel. Be especially alert to help that comes to you, and be sure to accept that help. You do deserve this assistance and many times God enlists people to act as Earth angels who bring you answers to your prayers.

Fear not, beloved one. Your prayers have been heard and answered.

Jesus looked straight at them and answered, “This is impossible for human beings, but for God everything is possible.”

Matthew 19:26 GNB

Today’s Prayer:

Dear Lord,

It feels gloomy outside today, even though the sun is shining and it’s trying to enter my soul. Please help me to defeat it. When I was down and scared and I reached for your hand, it was there. I know it’s there right now because I believe even though I cannot see.

Please send the light of your love into every person’s heart. Enlighten us and enable us to see one another through the eyes you intended us to use all along–the eyes of love, compassion and understanding. Help us to recognize that we belong to one another and that it’s up to each of us to take care of one another.

Help us to listen to and finally hear one another and let us do so with the intent of finding our similarities instead of our differences. Reform the hearts that need it; open the hearts that need it; heal the hearts that need it.

Help us all to shine in the light of your unending and all encompassing love and forgiveness.

In your Son Jesus name, I humbly pray.

I love you.



Take Heart!

Yet another time God places exactly what I need right in my path. So beautiful!

While the entire country has been quieted and people all over are staying healthy at home, it seems like my professional and personal life has ramped up to be busier than ever before. There aren’t enough hours in my days lately. I am beyond grateful for this, but often it makes this little blog of mine have to take a back seat.

As so often happens, when I am looking for the words I want to say, God places them right in front of me in the most beautiful ways. This morning, it’s a song. Please consider this my love note to you today and always. AND if you need to send a love note to someone, by all means share this.

God Bless you!

Love, Bobbe



From the Angels:

The angels know that you’re busy, with many Earthly demands on your time. They want to help you with your responsibilities through the process of balance. Whenever our schedules become disproportionate, our energy drops. Lowered energy creates the illusion that there isn’t enough time in the day, so a vicious cycle of time limitation ensues.

Your angels ask you to add regular doses of meditation, exercise, and play to your days. They know that balancing your life between, work, play, spirituality, exercise, and relationships helps you to grow and feel joy. If you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities, don’t hesitate to ask God and your angels to lift your burden.

The angels guide you to immerse yourself in beautiful music. Music lifts your spirit above earthbound concerns and elevates your thoughts to Divine Love.

You have angels with you who want to help you through the healing properties of music. They ask you to add more music into your life. They guide you to play soft background music while you dress, work, and play. They also ask you to whistles and sing more often.

You may have your very own musical gifts. Have you felt guided lately to comprise a song, participate in a musical play, join a singing groups or band, or play an instrument? These inner nudges may be coming from your angels, who can see your God-given gifts. They know that your musical talents will help others. So, they ask you to be an Earth angel by expressing your gifts of song and melody.


Spending time alone in nature is important for you. Even five minutes in a garden is healing for you right now.

Interact with nature more often, every day if possible. Your angels and the nature angels are helping you discover and give your gifts to the world. Help them to help you by spending more time in nature.

You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings.

Sensitivity is a beautiful and powerful gift, and there’s no such things as being “too sensitive”. Your sensitivity helps you know the truth about situations and people, and it’s important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions, and impressions. Spend some time alone in nature to further develop your sensitivity. Avoid harsh situations and chemicals. Ask heaven for help in choosing life-affirming foods, beverages, companions and activities. Know that its safe for you to feel deep emotions, as they’re a part of your sensitivity. Visualize yourself sealed in beautiful bluish-white light. This light dissolves lower energies, transmuting them into love.


Today’s Prayer:

Oh my Jesus,

It is true that in this world we DO have trouble and lots of it. It’s very easy to see only the darkness. It is very easy to fall into despair. We are separated from one another; isolated from our friends and loved ones; worried about staying well; afraid for those who aren’t. I could continue but you know exactly what’s in my heart.

Today I want to ask you to keep reminding us that you HAVE overcome the world and this pandemic will be healed by your capable hands.

The other night I laid my head upon your knee and as you stroked my forehead you told me that “all will be as it should” and I believe.

Lord Jesus, help us all to be your instruments. Though it may seem as though our hands are tied, may we be reminded that it’s an illusion. There are always things to be done in order to show our love for one another.

Thank you for protecting our loved ones and for your unending presence in our lives.

We love you and we pray in your name.



“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

You Are Not Alone. I Want to Throat Punch People Too!

How many weeks has this been going on? I can’t even remember. Here is a little angel stuff to get you through your day.

Today I want to remind you that whatever your feelings are right at this moment, they are valid and you are entitled to feel the way you do. Boy, let me tell ya, my emotions are all over the map, but I am doing okay because I know that no one on earth has ever experienced what’s going on right now. Whatever I feel is what I feel and it will pass. The same is true for you. Give yourself (and your family members) grace at this time.

If you are anything like me right now, things that are ordinarily easy to look past, are glowing red and causing you to want to explode. Yesterday I was so busy at work I barely had time to look up, but when I did, I noticed that I was not myself. The frustration bubbling up inside me was almost immeasurable. In fact, a few times I had the instinct to just get in my car and go home.  LOL!

Lucky for me I work in a church (although if I were writing this yesterday I’d have said, OH MY GAWD, I HATE working with CHURCH people! ha ha) Late in the afternoon I was able to sneak across the parking lot to the church next door where I encountered some sweet ladies, one of whom is a Minster. We all sat down in the lobby, ten feet apart and just chatted for a couple of minutes about life and the fact that Easter is just around the corner. Anyone in the world who is presently part of a church staff understands that this uncharted territory we’re in right now. There is ten times more work happening right now than normally would be happening.

I laughed so hard when Mother Sweets (not her real name) told me that she was in her kitchen a few nights ago practically throwing pots and pans everywhere; anger had just bubbled up, she told us, and it was okay. Likewise she was saying that she would like to strangle people when they say to her, “You must be enjoying just staying home for a change.” That fantasy of relaxing at home isn’t happening in the lives of Ministers all over the world. No. They are learning new technology for online services, making endless lists of people who are in need, trying to figure out how to celebrate special Holidays like Easter without being together as a congregation, learning how to fill out paperwork for financial aid, worrying what will happen if people stop giving. The list is endless, just as it is endless for any other person in the world at this time. 

We are all walking through uncharted territory. The good news is that we are never alone.

The good news is that there IS good news out there. Just this morning I watched a news piece about a family that had recently experienced a death. Because funerals cannot happen at this time, their family and friends made a car procession through the deceased man’s neighborhood. His parents stood outside their home and as each car passed by, they threw flowers, let go of balloons, held up signs and blew kisses. It was beautiful to see. Sympathy was expressed through this loving act of kindness.  I cried when I watched it not because I was sad that they couldn’t have a funeral. No. I cried because the human spirit is a beautiful thing.

Where there is a will, there is a way and that’s what I want us all to focus on today. We cannot live our daily lives the same as we are used to, but we CAN always find inventive ways to carry forward….especially since we are ALL Blessed and loved by God.

With love to you!


You will search for me,
and when you search for
me with all your heart,
you will find me.


From the Angels:

Always keep in mind that if a message resonates with you strongly, it’s absolutely meant for you.

A clean slate is presented to you now as you encounter fresh opportunities and novel experiences.

Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people, and projects. The angels know that change can be frightening, and they surround you now with loving energy. Call upon them whenever you feel afraid of facing novel situations. They will boost your confidence and energy so that you can enjoy your new beginnings.

Sometimes we cling to old routines because they are familiar. The angels ask you to be open to new approaches to life. Perhaps they will teach you a new way of looking at situations. Or maybe they will call on you to learn a new skill. Whatever the new beginning is for you, allow yourself to be stretched by the fresh circumstances. We learn about ourselves through new experiences.


God, the angels, and the ascended masters who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now. You are not alone, and you are safe.

Be reassured that you are part of an awesome and powerful team of benevolent beings. They surround, guide, and love you constantly. If you are in danger, they will intervene with warnings or lifesaving measures. If you are afraid, they will comfort you with the energy of Divine love. If you are confused, they will whisper guidance in your ear.

You are being asked to talk to your angels and guides more frequently. Have mental conversations with them about everything, and you will soon see evidence of their existence. Soon, the angels will enlist you to help other people. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the angels to help you release these fears.

Today’s prayer:

Oh Dear Lord,

Sometimes this life is sooooooo hard. I know I’ve said this a million times before, but maybe it was never so true as it is today.

Wait. I can hear you laughing (and it’s making me smile).

Let me start again.

Thank you Lord for the ability to change how I perceive things. I know that life is only as hard as I make it and that every hard time feels like it’s the worst it’s ever been. Challenges will always be present. Hard times will come upon us off and on throughout our lives, but we are to remember that you live in our hearts and it’s Your blood in our veins and that means we are part of the Divine and for Divinity, nothing is impossible, not even this.

I know that you have given us the tools we need in order to navigate through life and I thank you.

Please continue to Bless and keep those who land on this page as well as their friends and their families and my family too. May we all remain safe and of good and steady spirit as we make our way through this pandemic.

Bolster our faith, dear Lord. Help us to lean into you more. May we even take this time to strengthen our relationship with you, who offers us unending unconditional love.

In your Son Jesus name, I pray.


Click here to be taken to yesterday’s messages and prayers

Day Five. Faith and Intuition – Hand in Hand

News flash! I slept last night! Well, kind of. Okay…MUCH more than normal…at least three hours straight!

Since I wasn’t up all night, I didn’t get a head start on today’s blog so here I am a little late. Today seemed to last forever for me…so much work to do. Being that I work for multiple non profit agencies and all of them are applying for aid, I spent double overtime time glued to the numbers with the promise of tomorrow being a full day and evening of the same. The Blessing: I still have a job and I can still leave the house to work.

Tonight my head is splitting and my gut instinct is to figure out where my white sage is in order to drive the negativity out of and to purify the air in this house. At this point I know it’s time to start making my home more of a sanctuary-my own sacred space-and so this will be on the agenda for the next couple of days.

If you’re anything like me, feeling a bit depleted, know you are not alone. What always gives me comfort is to lean into my faith and listen to my intuition. Tonight this is telling me to sage the house and take the steps to care for my mental health. Looks like new candles and crystals are in my immediate future!

For now, I leave you with some angelic wisdom and today’s prayer. Know that there are better days ahead. Life is cyclic so soon enough, we will be back on top again. Keep praying and keep believing. All will be well!

With love, Bobbe

From the Angels:

You are asked to remember the healing power of faith. The Divine Healer and teacher, Jesus, frequently taught and demonstrated that with faith, all things are possible. Jesus and Archangel Raphael can boost your belief and trust if you’ve been struggling because of recent events. You can borrow their perfect faith to help you remember that everything really is in perfect order, even if appearances seem to contradict this spiritual truth.

You are asked to expect miracles in surprising and unexpected ways. Continually give your worries to God, and listen for inner guidance about which actions to take.

Trust and follow your intuition. It is God and the angels speaking to you.

Lean into your Divine Guidance right now. The gut feelings you have, the knowingness, the visions, or the inner voice are all trying to tell you something, and it is very important that you trust and follow this guidance.

Pay close attention to the message, “Have faith”, above. That message is intentionally delivered along side this one because the angels want to impress upon you that one is as necessary as the other. You are fully capable and supported in listening to and following your true intuition. What is it telling you right now? Close your eyes and breathe in the silence. What comes to your heart?

Today’s Prayer:

Dearest Lord,

You know that I have always known in my heart that we are all connected. YOU taught me this. It is so evident to me right now as I find that I am not sleeping well, my patience feels at a new low, my ears are continually ringing and I just—feel—drained.

Likewise, my intuition is continually telling me that the truth behind this “Covid-19 virus” just isn’t exactly as we are being told. While I cannot put my finger on it exactly, my hearts tells me there is more to this story and I feel that I am not alone in my feelings.

Jesus, there is nothing outside of your sight. You know the truth. You can see it ALL. I place my faith squarely on YOU as I know that at the present time, I am helpless to do anything but pray for my family and friends and for those who are leaders in this world.

Jesus please instill in me, my family and friends, and in all those who read this, the courage and the spirit needed to march forward according to the direction of our hearts, which are born of and remain connected eternally to YOUR perfect heart.

We can do ALL things, ENDURE all things, and GET BEYOND all things through YOU, who gives strength.

In your name Jesus, I pray. Please protect us all.


P.S. from BOBBE:

Just now I uploaded this and went to check my email. I have belonged to a neat site for years that sends me daily spiritual messages. Look what was waiting for me tonight. Confirmation much? ❤️

New Year’s Eve, 2019

This is the post that I left on Facebook on New Year’s Eve just before the clock struck midnight.

I seriously cannot think of a single thing to say about 2019 except, “Thank you. Praise Jesus.” It was at times really hard, but because I focus on Blessings so much I can honestly say I cannot give you a list of the negative stuff because I really do not remember. 🙏

Today on the way home I changed lanes and apparently -unbeknownst to me- took some late 60ish-mid 70ish man’s spot. He chased me down in his car, laid on his horn, screamed out his window -all the while giving me the finger out his drivers side door. A normal person might have honked and given me the finger. This man relentlessly laid on his horn and didn’t stop until he finally saw me mouth the words, “I made a mistake, I said I was sorry. What else do you want?” (Even at this point I knew, if he could get away with it, he’d have gotten out of his car in order to scream at me some more.)

I don’t mind telling you all that I cried all the way home and I am crying as I write this. What that man did not know is that I was on my way home from helping my elderly parents all day today. I was already driving home shaken, knowing my Mom and Dad are not long for this earth. I was driving home trying to fathom what it will be like when they are gone.

When I saw that man with his middle finger in my face, I wanted the world to stop and reverse. When I was growing up adults, especially men, conducted themselves with respect. If they were upset by a mistake in traffic, they didn’t lose their dignity and behave as vile as this man did. In fact, they were much more kind and gracious.

Key word: Dignity. (Most people maintained it.)

Worse. I looked in the passenger seat of his car. There sat a woman looking out the window as if this is a daily occurrence.

So. If I have a wish for 2020 it’s this: Let’s all find our compassion for one another. We all make silly mistakes (especially in traffic). You have no clue what someone else has been through in a day. Stop for just a moment and remember how YOU would like to be treated and do THAT ALWAYS. Period.

I would be lying if I said I wished that vile man well. I don’t. He makes me mad. But the truth is that HE is probably just like me, dealing with things he is unprepared for. Tonight when he tries to go to sleep, I highly doubt he still has the same contempt for me as he did today in traffic. So yup, he will be in my prayers.

After all of this. Tonight is STILL my favorite Holiday. When the clock strikes midnight, it’s all new again.

We can ALL find a way to do better in the coming year and THAT makes me happy. I love you ALL. Happy New Year!

Everyone Has Something to Say

This morning I opened my email and found a letter from a dear friend and sister blogger. She said something towards the end that inspired me to sign in here and say hello. Essentially she paraphrased a quote that says that we always have something to say, even if it’s just a sentence.

So often I come here inspired to write and then quit before I begin because my brain decides I don’t have a big enough block of time to devote to a “proper” blog offering. (What is that anyway? ) Reading her letter reminded me that it doesn’t have to be a chore to write. Heavens, years ago I used to get out of bed and write a thousand words before I’d had my first cup of tea. It wasn’t a burden; it was a natural extension of my heart. It was a joy.

So what is on my heart this morning?

I don’t have tons of regrets about my life but the ones I do weigh a lot. Of those that live at the forefront of my heart, writing tends to scream the loudest, especially when I read something inspiring written by someone else. My self-talk is always the same, “sigh….I used to be able to write like that.” When I think about dreams, being a published writer stands in the front of line waving a great big alphabet flag.

Two years ago in May I was given the opportunity to write a piece for a local print magazine. The subject was my Boss and his tremendously cool family. (Seriously, they are and I’m not just saying so.) I had great fun doing the article and I will admit that when it finally came out, I sat with it in my hands and cried the happy tears of fulfillment. Even though it’s not a huge magazine, seeing my name in print meant everything to me.

When the dust settled, I was elated to be asked to do another article, which turned into another and so on. Happily, as of today, I am still a regular contributor. When I first started doing this I made a demand of myself to be willing to do whatever it takes to keep writing. The thing is, I abhor the telephone and what I hate even more is interviewing people. I’d much rather be able to sit down and write about whatever I feel like writing over having an editor tell me what I have to write and who I have to speak with.

Last I checked, I don’t have my own magazine. (Looks around. Yep, it’s true. Still no magazine.)

Several days ago I was delighted to be invited to the magazine office in order to meet in person my Editors and others who work on my pieces. I got to pitch ideas that have been on my heart for a long time and it appears they were well received. It started out a little scary, but before I was finished the joy inside me was bubbling up through every pore of my being. I floated on a cloud all the way home. It’s been almost a week and I still feel that exact joy when I think of that day.

So what I want to say today is keep going. If you have a dream that appears at the front of your heart repeatedly, consider this your sign that it’s time to take action. Make a commitment to yourself to go after it and don’t stop until you’re there. No excuses. You aren’t too old. You aren’t too young. You aren’t too busy. You do have time. It doesn’t matter what anyone in your life may think. It doesn’t matter what the naysayers and discouragers say. This is your life. You aren’t tasked with living it according to someone else’s will.

As for me, chasing the dream meant focusing on what I wanted and then mustering the courage to seek out and speak to people who were already published. I kept asking how they did it. Finally one day everything clicked and a friend opened the door for me by way of an introduction to her editor. Even then it took almost a full year before there was something I was able to contribute, but I never stopped pursuing. This isn’t the end of the road for me either. Nope. It’s only the beginning. I have books to write!

I probably should have mentioned this first: The most important “other thing” I actively did and do on a constant basis is talk to God about my dreams; always asking for help on the best way to utilize the gifts He has given me. (Not using the gifts I came to this earth with really scares me. I don’t believe for one moment that we have talents just IN CASE we want to use them some day.) I am Blessed to work in two beautiful churches, so very often I sneak away and march around the Sanctuary talking to Jesus about what my next steps are. Sometimes the answers are clear. Other times, I just have to wait.

So again what I want to say today is keep going and if you aren’t going yet, then get going. Identify what you want, talk to your higher power about it, muster your courage and go for it. This is your sign to take action. I believe in you!

Dearest Lord,

A short prayer of gratitude for being able to use the gifts you’ve given to me. For those who find this blog and are searching, please offer them the courage, confirmation and inspiration needed to pursue the life they desire.

Let us all be reminded that nothing in this world is impossible provided we work hard, love well and serve others according to your will.

Amen and continued thanksgiving for prayers answered.

Furball Blessings

Don’t you wish all the decisions that would yield great Blessings were easy to make? They are.


A little over a year ago, Charlie and I welcomed this little dog-being into our home. We call him, “Sammy-the most interesting dog in the world.” (aka: #Sammythepeoplesdog)

One day I was popping around Facebook and I ran into a photo posted on a lifelong friend’s page. She was saying that she had just gone to the pet store and played with this precious, little guy and that, “Someone seriously needs to go get this little guy; he’s adorable.” She went on to say that she would have taken him in herself but he is so small, he’d be “hawk-bait” where she lives in the country.

I took one look at him and immediately clicked through the link she’d provided. We were not in the market for a new dog. Not one word had been spoken between hubs and I regarding wanting to add anything or anyone new to our recently rennovated home. I wasn’t sitting there gushing over how adorable this dog was; I just knew he was already mine. Before five minutes had passed, I’d filled out the application, texted with the Director of the Rescue place and committed to picking up the dog-site unseen. Then this conversation happened:

Me: “Cha Cha?

Charlie: “Yes, baby.”

Me: “We’re adopting another dog.”

Charlie: “No, we are not. We don’t want or need another dog. Maybe later, when Chinah has passed, but not right now. Nooooooo.”

Me: “Look at this photo.”

He looks.

Charlie: “When do we pick him up?”



Two days later, 5.6 lb. Sammy was inspecting our home. Thankfully, we passed and we’ve been living, loving and laughing together ever since. He’s the brightest, funniest, most playful dog we’ve ever had. His presence in our life is an enormous daily Blessing.


Don’t you wish all the decisions that would yield great Blessings were as easy to make? They are. It’s a matter of tuning into your heart and fearlessly following it’s direction.

Every mistake I have ever made occurred when I decided to steer away from what my heart told me to do. (Take a minute and think this through regarding your own life. I’ll wait… It’s truth, isn’t it?)

We’ve all got people in our lives who believe they know what’s best for us and those who are gifted in making sure to tell us where they think we are steering in the wrong direction. Let’s face it, there are people out there who appear to make it a mission to criticize and point out flaws.  And what do we do in response to these people? Sometimes we go against our better judgment just to please them OR just so we don’t have to hear about it from them. (Can I get an “Amen” here?) I can’t count the number of people out there who are living a life that someone else has dictated for them. When asked why they don’t or won’t pursue what they really want, the response is always the same. “I can’t because so-and-so won’t let me.” (Feel free to insert “…will be mad if I do”, “…says I’m not cut out for that”, “…wants me to stay this way”; the excuse list is endless, and I say this with love because I’ve been there, too. ♥)

So how does one begin the practice of tuning out the white noise of well-meaning friends and relatives in order to start listening to the contents of the heart? If you know anything about me you can predict what I’m about to say is the first step. (I can hear you, ya know. “God, this woman is a broken record. Doesn’t she ever say anything else!”)

The first step is in fact, prayer. I can already hear some of you saying, “But I pray and pray and pray and nothing different ever happens”. I challenge you on this one. There is never a time when earnest prayer doesn’t yield results. Part of the first step is committing to the realization that your prayers are in fact, being heard. You must stop expecting the answers to appear at the front door. It doesn’t work that way. (More on this later.)

The second step is action. You must give up the notion that you don’t have to be an active part in your life. In order to manifest anything new in one’s life, you must be willing to take a new and different step. It doesn’t have to be huge; just any little positive step that’s different and that moves you towards the direction of your heart.

Here’s mine. From the time I was a little girl, I have always expressed myself in writing. In later years, the one and only dream I have ever had for myself is to become a best selling author, but not just any best selling author. I want what I write to impact people on a soul level. I want to be a vessel of God’s love and I want my reach to be far and wide. I want to tell my own story, because it’s a doozy.

This morning I looked outside my front door and darned if there STILL wasn’t a throng of contract-yielding publishers all fighting to get to me first. (Whaaaat? Maybe tomorrow.)

You are reading one of many of the baby steps I am putting into action in order to get closer to manifesting my dream. I can’t expect to write a book if I am currently not writing a thing now can I? The other REALLY IMPORTANT step I started taking in earnest five months ago is my health. I haven’t been happy about my body in years, so I have stopped being mad at my image in the mirror and am now actively working on my diet and exercise. When I see progress, I feel happier. When I feel happier, I work harder. When I work harder, God always meets me half way.

The third step is to keep it quiet for now. You can’t tune into you heart if you are seeking accolades, approval or “go ahead’s” from others. (I know I’m not keeping quiet about what I’m doing, but I’m not the one seeking to learn to listen to my heart, now am I? ♥)

Let’s recap:

  1. Present your intentions before God by way of honest prayer.
  2. Commit to the understanding that your prayers are heard even if you don’t see or feel proof of it. (A lot of times in my own life, the greatest Blessings are those I don’t readily see or even know about.)
  3. Take some baby action steps.
  4. Keep your big mouth shut. Instead, feel how your heart feels when you are tip toeing towards your intentions. It might feel a little scary at first, but it still feels good, right? That’s your heart talking. Try to memorize what it feels like.
  5. Say thank you in advance for your Blessings.

Rest assured, I will be expanding on all of this soon. For right now, I’ve given you a very achievable mission. Should you decide to accept, your rewards are quite possibly infinite.



My Dearest Lord,

Today I want to take the time to thank you for all of the furball babies that have crossed my path.  There is so much to be learned by these creatures who offer us unconditional love and companionship. Thank you especially for our dog, Sammy, who makes us giggle on a daily basis. 

Jesus, for all of your children who feel trapped by life’s circumstances or who feel scared to break free of living under someone else’s expectations, I offer my prayers for your Blessings and courage. I know that we all have the capacity to become what our hearts desire and the first place for any of us is to start with You. 

Please join my prayers with the prayers of my friends, family, coworkers and readers. Thank you in advance for all of our Blessings, especially the ones we don’t readily see. Help us to trust with our whole hearts that when we place You in the lead of our lives, our rewards are often beyond our wildest dreams.

Let us all be proud to stand and call you, Father.

I love you.



1 John 5:14: “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” 











Blue Swallowtail Blessings

I can’t make this stuff up!

Usually while I’m having my cup of morning coffee, I am thinking about what I’d like to write about for the day. Because I’ve been contemplating starting this blog up again for a very long time, I have a lot of draft versions of blogs I’ve begun but not finished. So this morning without really thinking a great deal, I remembered a piece I wrote long ago entitled, “Metamorphosis”. I thought briefly about reprinting it, because this is how I”m currently feeling, but as soon as the thought entered my mind I decided not to. I’m trying not to go back in time to reprint blogs of days gone by. Besides this, I think of that blog as something to be posted during the Spring, because that’s when nature is re-birthing itself.

I finished my coffee, then pulled out my prayer journal. I sat for a moment, then wrote a few thoughts and ended with a five item gratitude list. One of the items I listed was this blog and how I am really enjoying writing on a regular basis. I’m thankful to God that I am able to express myself in this way and even happier when my words touch another person’s heart. Then I decided today would be the day I post my gratitude and invite others to do the same.

As usual, the drive to work brought more contemplation and my regular internal dialogue with heaven. I was expressing my gratitude for Charlie’s mother, for my mother, for my relationship with Mary, the Blessed Mother of Jesus, who is Mother to us all. I didn’t really verbalize it but that “Metamorphosis” blog was still in the back of my heart. Again, I think this is what I am feeling lately, so it makes sense for it to be there in my heart.

I pulled into the parking lot at work where I saw two of my favorite people, so I hopped out and chatted a bit. Afterward I walked around the corner towards the door. From out of nowhere appeared a beautiful little Blue Swallowtail butterfly! She did circles around and around me and I squealed like a child with sheer joy! First of all, butterflies have always been special to me, but blues ones? They are my sign from the Blessed Mother! Hoping to get a photo, I dropped my bags just as she was flying off. I called to her (What? Did you expect me NOT to tell her to wait?) She actually landed and let me take this video! Look how CLOSE she let me get!

Then she posed for this photo! She wants you all to know how much you are loved, even when you aren’t feeling like it.

I walked through the door to my office knowing my first instinct was right. Someone out there needs to read about the journey to the cocoon. I could hardly wait to get home to deliver it!


I am no fan of the caterpillar.

Funny, as children we joyfully grab them from the pavement, talk to them, pet them, let them crawl on us and even try to keep them in jars. Forty years later the mere site of one gives me the heebie jeebies. Gross!

Last week after watching hundreds of these slinky silken beings travel across my deck and front porch-each of them in search of a safe haven in which to transform- I had an epiphany.

Maybe as children we intrinsically recognize the caterpillar as part of our own selves. I can remember feeling a certain empathy for these creatures, which is probably why I used to pick them up and carry them across the parking lot, assuring them a safe journey to the woods. I didn’t want to see a single one meet an untimely and squishy death.

Today I ponder the fact that we are all a part of the caterpillar and vice versa. In a sense we are all trying to make our way across the asphalt jungle of life, trying to get to a place where we can finally feel free enough to release our inner beauty. I look back on my own life and recognize there have been a lot of little kid hands lifting me up and carrying me when I didn’t feel I could make it across the lot on my own.

Over the weekend I saw a caterpillar making his way up my front door. I didn’t stop long enough to see where he was trying to go, nor did I really care. I was busy with my list of tasks for the day. A little later on, after I’d been in and out a few more times, I noticed something interesting. He’d spun his cocoon and gone into his chrysalis right on my doorbell button! What a fitting symbol for me at this time in my life.

The butterfly has been a personal sign of mine for many years (I’m sure I am not alone in this). Throughout my life I’ve had many experiences of cocooning, hiding myself away from the rest of the world, spun into my own little nest, trying to transform and emerge anew. Maybe this is why I recoil when I see a caterpillar. Eek, bluck, and gross. Sometimes it’s not easy remembering the journey to the cocoon, even when we have already transformed into butterflies.

That caterpillar deliberately placed himself on my doorbell so I would see him every day and be reminded that I am Blessed beyond comprehension. In just a short while, he will emerge a transformed being to fly off and begin anew. In much the same manner, I will be opening the door to a new and wonderful life as well.

The doorbell? Well of course you do know that “every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings”? (Couldn’t resist that one, sorry. Cough.)

The butterfly is a universal symbol for the transformation of life. It is a symbol of great joy and great change. But most importantly, butterflies remind us that the power of metamorphosis is always within our reach.

May you find a caterpillar at your front door very soon!

My Dearest Lord:

What an incredible day this has been! From the depths of who I am, I thank you. I am still in total awe about the very unexpected beautiful butterfly who absolutely made my entire day!

Today I lift my prayers to you for anyone out there who needs to feel Your presence and love. I know there are those who are still tightly wrapped within their cocoons, perhaps feeling lost, hurt, afraid or lonely. Let them know that they are in my heart and that I wish to share my faith and love with them.  You are the great Universal healer. Please grant them courage to break free and emerge anew. 

Thank you for enabling me to see the beauty in this life and for allowing me the grace to finally accept the things I cannot change and to blossom where I can…and to remember… I always can.

I love you.

“For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

The Incredible Blah Lifting Egg!

Don’t Judge a blog by it’s title. (giggle)

It happens to all of us. Everything is going along smoothly and then something unexpected happens to knock you off your spiritual path. Usually these are the times when we’ve actually made the decision to start to be better about prayer or good deeds or service to others, etc. In my life, I’ve come to realize that when I am trying the hardest to be grounded, something always comes along to try to knock me down. When it happens, it’s easy to become more and more lazy about spirituality when in reality this is the time to fight harder.


I don’t know about you, but in my life, things move along at a much happier pace when I am engaged and connected with God and the angels. The times where I am lazy or so consumed with things of this world, I more susceptible to feelings of depression and loneliness.

After several weeks of feeling completely happy inside, this morning I woke up feeling BLAH for no apparent reason. I slept really well and I had wonderful dreams about preparing food. (I meant it when I said I am obsessed with all things food related!) Still, I got out of bed feeling slightly off. Charlie said he felt the same way. We discussed how important prayer is to the both of us and affirmed together, that we must keep vigilant with our prayer armor.

Don’t ask me why, but I felt an odd compulsion to go right into the kitchen and whip up some bacon and eggs, so that’s what I did. Weekdays I usually skip breakfast and fast until lunch time. Today, it felt like the thing to do and so we dined on beautiful fried eggs, bacon, avocado slices, cilantro and yummy garden-fresh tomatoes. Afterward I felt so happy inside. Being productive really works to combat the blues. Listening to your intuition works even better!


When I arrived at the office this morning, I made the phone calls I’ve been putting off. I prepared the reports that are not my favorites and in general, I chose to do the things that I usually am not thrilled about doing. Guess what? The blahs floated off into the atmosphere transformed as joy. I hope they land on top of someone who deserves a virtual hug and a ray of sunshine.

I am not advocating doing things you loath in order to feel better, but I am saying that knocking things off your To-Do list is a wonderful way to feel better. I’m very pleased that this morning I chose to do what I felt compelled to do. That’s why I persist in  preaching about tuning into your heart/gut/intuition. It will always steer in the right direction.

Admit it. You’re hungry for eggs now, aren’t you?



My Dearest Lord,

Today I want to express my gratitude for the happy feelings I have inside. I ask for continued help in the areas of self-reflection, following intuition and keeping You in the front of every aspect of my life. Additionally, I humbly ask these things for all who may discover this page today and in the days to come. 

Last week a social media acquaintance of mine lost her battle with cancer. I know she is with you today feeling restored and joyful and in the presence of the son she lost too soon. I know her friends and family are feeling sorrowful. Please give them the strength, peace and grace to carry on and the knowledge that they will see Lisa again. Until then, the highest tribute to her is a life well lived.

My sweet friend Angela has asked that I remember her husband in prayer as well.  I know you are already present in their lives as You are the greatest of all healers. Please add my prayers to theirs for relief for both of them. Caring for our ailing relatives takes a toll on the heart and the body. Let his spirits rise to meet yours so that his heart isn’t so heavy. Instill in him the knowledge that he IS going to get better.

For anyone who awoke this morning feeling the slightest bit, “Blah”, as Charlie and I did, I pray for relief. I pray for levity. I pray for the impulse to get up, move along and make today into something meaningful.

These days, Lord, I find I cannot stop expressing my gratitude. I feel Your hands on my heart every day. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

I love You.



“No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me,” declares the LORD. Isaiah 54:17
