It’s Gonna Get Better.

Lately it seems that my signs are coming by way of songs. Often I get so busy with the tasks of each day and the responsibilities of my many jobs, that I feel pressed to find my inspiration. So often lately, the minute this comes to my mind, a sign appears.

Today again, it’s come in a song.

Of course I had to share it with you!

With love,


Continue reading “It’s Gonna Get Better.”

Take Heart!

Yet another time God places exactly what I need right in my path. So beautiful!

While the entire country has been quieted and people all over are staying healthy at home, it seems like my professional and personal life has ramped up to be busier than ever before. There aren’t enough hours in my days lately. I am beyond grateful for this, but often it makes this little blog of mine have to take a back seat.

As so often happens, when I am looking for the words I want to say, God places them right in front of me in the most beautiful ways. This morning, it’s a song. Please consider this my love note to you today and always. AND if you need to send a love note to someone, by all means share this.

God Bless you!

Love, Bobbe



From the Angels:

The angels know that you’re busy, with many Earthly demands on your time. They want to help you with your responsibilities through the process of balance. Whenever our schedules become disproportionate, our energy drops. Lowered energy creates the illusion that there isn’t enough time in the day, so a vicious cycle of time limitation ensues.

Your angels ask you to add regular doses of meditation, exercise, and play to your days. They know that balancing your life between, work, play, spirituality, exercise, and relationships helps you to grow and feel joy. If you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities, don’t hesitate to ask God and your angels to lift your burden.

The angels guide you to immerse yourself in beautiful music. Music lifts your spirit above earthbound concerns and elevates your thoughts to Divine Love.

You have angels with you who want to help you through the healing properties of music. They ask you to add more music into your life. They guide you to play soft background music while you dress, work, and play. They also ask you to whistles and sing more often.

You may have your very own musical gifts. Have you felt guided lately to comprise a song, participate in a musical play, join a singing groups or band, or play an instrument? These inner nudges may be coming from your angels, who can see your God-given gifts. They know that your musical talents will help others. So, they ask you to be an Earth angel by expressing your gifts of song and melody.


Spending time alone in nature is important for you. Even five minutes in a garden is healing for you right now.

Interact with nature more often, every day if possible. Your angels and the nature angels are helping you discover and give your gifts to the world. Help them to help you by spending more time in nature.

You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings.

Sensitivity is a beautiful and powerful gift, and there’s no such things as being “too sensitive”. Your sensitivity helps you know the truth about situations and people, and it’s important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions, and impressions. Spend some time alone in nature to further develop your sensitivity. Avoid harsh situations and chemicals. Ask heaven for help in choosing life-affirming foods, beverages, companions and activities. Know that its safe for you to feel deep emotions, as they’re a part of your sensitivity. Visualize yourself sealed in beautiful bluish-white light. This light dissolves lower energies, transmuting them into love.


Today’s Prayer:

Oh my Jesus,

It is true that in this world we DO have trouble and lots of it. It’s very easy to see only the darkness. It is very easy to fall into despair. We are separated from one another; isolated from our friends and loved ones; worried about staying well; afraid for those who aren’t. I could continue but you know exactly what’s in my heart.

Today I want to ask you to keep reminding us that you HAVE overcome the world and this pandemic will be healed by your capable hands.

The other night I laid my head upon your knee and as you stroked my forehead you told me that “all will be as it should” and I believe.

Lord Jesus, help us all to be your instruments. Though it may seem as though our hands are tied, may we be reminded that it’s an illusion. There are always things to be done in order to show our love for one another.

Thank you for protecting our loved ones and for your unending presence in our lives.

We love you and we pray in your name.



“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

This Too Shall Pass. Tomorrow’s a Brighter Day.

It is said and it is true that it’s the little things in life that carry us through. God doesn’t always speak from the mountain top…

If you have been following along with these blogs lately, you may already realize that when you keep yourself open to signs, symbols and messages from above, they appear in sometimes vast numbers.

Having felt like crap for a couple of days and knowing that I needed to lean into my faith more than usual, Palm Sunday night I was up off and on silently singing the “Our Father” (It’s my go-to thing to do when my brain will not turn off.) In between my pitch perfect renditions (ha ha), I was talking to Jesus; telling Him my troubles, asking His help, and also thanking him for my Blessings. I told Him that I knew tomorrow would be a brighter day and I promised to continue to try to do my little bit of good wherever possible.

The next morning I got in the car and headed off to work. One of the cool parts of my church job is that I get to be the first (and sometimes only) person to receive special donations sent in for special reasons. Monday the first envelope I opened was from someone I hadn’t heard of before. Inside was a sizable check with a hand-written note attached. “Please make sure this is used to help someone in need at this time.” Of course I cried. What a beautiful thing to do. The second envelope I opened was yet another designated donation. This one had instructions that it is to go to help pay for the meals my husband and I are creating for people who are isolated at home. More happy tears.

To be honest when I finished opening the daily mail, I was so giddy with joy I felt like dancing. The spirit of love and charity is alive and very well in the world right at this moment and thank you, Jesus, I get to experience it first hand nearly every day.

That afternoon I got in the car and when I flipped on the radio, the song that was playing was saying these exact words, “It’s gonna be a brighter day.” I couldn’t tell you the artist, the station, or the tune, but I heard those words and my heart smiled. Indeed.

I had been dreading having to stop at the store, but I forced myself to do it anyway. The was no line and very few people. As I pushed my cart along the isle, a house flag stopped me in my tracks. “Enjoy the little things”, it said, and beneath the words were beautiful, happy flowers in vases. I grabbed it and threw it in my cart. I don’t own a flag pole. This is going on my front door.


Later on the way home I passed a sign out in front of a closed restaurant. It said, “This too Shall Pass.” I know the owner put this up because of the pandemic, but I also know God intended me to see it when I did. I don’t have a lot of memories of my Mom teaching me profound things in life but this phrase is one she did teach me early on and it’s one I have used as a mantra forever.

It is true that “This too shall pass”. While we are waiting, let us all be open to the serendipitous signs that are out there serving as tiny cheers from beyond. We will get through this. We are not alone.


From The Angels:

You are going through a time of rapid spiritual growth. Enjoy the process!

During this time, you might feel a mixture of many feelings: confusion, excitement, fear, and wonder. You love your renewed connection with the Divine, and you wish you could read, study, learn, or meditate on a full time basis. Simultaneously, though, you may worry about the implications that your spiritual studies will have on the rest of your life. What impact will your new spiritual pursuits have on your job, marriage, or friendships? These worries create a fear that may erode the enjoyment your spiritual studies bring you.

Surrender these fears to God, dearest one! Trust hat you are supported, loved, and guided each moment. Don’t worry about how your future will blend with your spiritual growth! Trust that the same Power that brought you to your spiritual spiritual path will also take care of everything else for you. After all, this Power supports all of the planets in the sky. It will surely support you perfectly, too.

You are in communication with your angels, and the messages that you are receiving are very real indeed. Trust them.

This message is validation from your angels that you really are hearing them. You have been receiving repetitive messages through your feelings, dreams, visions, inner voice, or knowingness. Are you listening and trusting these messages? Are you following them?

If you get an. Inclination to call someone, o somewhere, or read something,, it’s important to follow this guidance. Your angels ask you to give all your Danube’s or worries. About Divine. Guidance to them. Know that you truly are communication with heaven, and enjoy the conversations!

You have all of the Power of your Creator within you! All the power of Divine love, wisdom, and intelligence is available to you. You have the spiritual power to see angels and the future. You have intellectual power to tap in to the universal wisdom of the One Mind. You have emotional power to empathize with others, and physical power that is truly unlimited.

The angels ask you to give them any fears you may have connected with being a powerful person. Your angels see a quiet and beautiful aspect of your true power, stemming from the only power in the universe: Divine Love. Allow yourself to shine with this radiant love so that your true power can radiate out into the world in miraculous ways.

Today’s Prayer:

Dearest Lord,

Thank you that in the midst of all of this fear and uncertainty, the signs of your love still shine through. Although it’s easy to turn a blind eye and to dwell in feelings of boredom and fear, you help us to look up and to recognize love can and still does shine bright in the world.

Help us all to shine where we are planted -to do our little bits of good wherever we can. Help us to take care of one another, which is what you have always taught us.

Thank you for your love,


Lyrics to “A Brighter Day” by Kirk Franklin

When I close my eyes and think of you
And reminisce on all the things you do
I can't imagine my life without you
It's like paradise now I know that it's real (um)
It's a mystery for someone
to give their life just for me
What you did on calvary
Makes me wanna love you more

I never knew I could be so happy
And I never knew I'd be so secure because of your love
Life has brand new meaning
It's gonna be a brighter day, brighter day

Never thought that I would smile again
I never thought the dark clouds would end
Never thought the dark clouds would end
Never thought that I could have a friend
That would keep me never leave me alone (um)
Jesus you're my everything
The only one that makes my heart sing (heart sing)
Now I know what real love means
It's everlasting, lasting.


Nothing can compare to the joy ya bring an ever lasting love affair
Jesus my life will never will be same I found someone who truly cares

Click here to be taken to yesterday's message

You Are Not Alone. I Want to Throat Punch People Too!

How many weeks has this been going on? I can’t even remember. Here is a little angel stuff to get you through your day.

Today I want to remind you that whatever your feelings are right at this moment, they are valid and you are entitled to feel the way you do. Boy, let me tell ya, my emotions are all over the map, but I am doing okay because I know that no one on earth has ever experienced what’s going on right now. Whatever I feel is what I feel and it will pass. The same is true for you. Give yourself (and your family members) grace at this time.

If you are anything like me right now, things that are ordinarily easy to look past, are glowing red and causing you to want to explode. Yesterday I was so busy at work I barely had time to look up, but when I did, I noticed that I was not myself. The frustration bubbling up inside me was almost immeasurable. In fact, a few times I had the instinct to just get in my car and go home.  LOL!

Lucky for me I work in a church (although if I were writing this yesterday I’d have said, OH MY GAWD, I HATE working with CHURCH people! ha ha) Late in the afternoon I was able to sneak across the parking lot to the church next door where I encountered some sweet ladies, one of whom is a Minster. We all sat down in the lobby, ten feet apart and just chatted for a couple of minutes about life and the fact that Easter is just around the corner. Anyone in the world who is presently part of a church staff understands that this uncharted territory we’re in right now. There is ten times more work happening right now than normally would be happening.

I laughed so hard when Mother Sweets (not her real name) told me that she was in her kitchen a few nights ago practically throwing pots and pans everywhere; anger had just bubbled up, she told us, and it was okay. Likewise she was saying that she would like to strangle people when they say to her, “You must be enjoying just staying home for a change.” That fantasy of relaxing at home isn’t happening in the lives of Ministers all over the world. No. They are learning new technology for online services, making endless lists of people who are in need, trying to figure out how to celebrate special Holidays like Easter without being together as a congregation, learning how to fill out paperwork for financial aid, worrying what will happen if people stop giving. The list is endless, just as it is endless for any other person in the world at this time. 

We are all walking through uncharted territory. The good news is that we are never alone.

The good news is that there IS good news out there. Just this morning I watched a news piece about a family that had recently experienced a death. Because funerals cannot happen at this time, their family and friends made a car procession through the deceased man’s neighborhood. His parents stood outside their home and as each car passed by, they threw flowers, let go of balloons, held up signs and blew kisses. It was beautiful to see. Sympathy was expressed through this loving act of kindness.  I cried when I watched it not because I was sad that they couldn’t have a funeral. No. I cried because the human spirit is a beautiful thing.

Where there is a will, there is a way and that’s what I want us all to focus on today. We cannot live our daily lives the same as we are used to, but we CAN always find inventive ways to carry forward….especially since we are ALL Blessed and loved by God.

With love to you!


You will search for me,
and when you search for
me with all your heart,
you will find me.


From the Angels:

Always keep in mind that if a message resonates with you strongly, it’s absolutely meant for you.

A clean slate is presented to you now as you encounter fresh opportunities and novel experiences.

Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people, and projects. The angels know that change can be frightening, and they surround you now with loving energy. Call upon them whenever you feel afraid of facing novel situations. They will boost your confidence and energy so that you can enjoy your new beginnings.

Sometimes we cling to old routines because they are familiar. The angels ask you to be open to new approaches to life. Perhaps they will teach you a new way of looking at situations. Or maybe they will call on you to learn a new skill. Whatever the new beginning is for you, allow yourself to be stretched by the fresh circumstances. We learn about ourselves through new experiences.


God, the angels, and the ascended masters who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now. You are not alone, and you are safe.

Be reassured that you are part of an awesome and powerful team of benevolent beings. They surround, guide, and love you constantly. If you are in danger, they will intervene with warnings or lifesaving measures. If you are afraid, they will comfort you with the energy of Divine love. If you are confused, they will whisper guidance in your ear.

You are being asked to talk to your angels and guides more frequently. Have mental conversations with them about everything, and you will soon see evidence of their existence. Soon, the angels will enlist you to help other people. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the angels to help you release these fears.

Today’s prayer:

Oh Dear Lord,

Sometimes this life is sooooooo hard. I know I’ve said this a million times before, but maybe it was never so true as it is today.

Wait. I can hear you laughing (and it’s making me smile).

Let me start again.

Thank you Lord for the ability to change how I perceive things. I know that life is only as hard as I make it and that every hard time feels like it’s the worst it’s ever been. Challenges will always be present. Hard times will come upon us off and on throughout our lives, but we are to remember that you live in our hearts and it’s Your blood in our veins and that means we are part of the Divine and for Divinity, nothing is impossible, not even this.

I know that you have given us the tools we need in order to navigate through life and I thank you.

Please continue to Bless and keep those who land on this page as well as their friends and their families and my family too. May we all remain safe and of good and steady spirit as we make our way through this pandemic.

Bolster our faith, dear Lord. Help us to lean into you more. May we even take this time to strengthen our relationship with you, who offers us unending unconditional love.

In your Son Jesus name, I pray.


Click here to be taken to yesterday’s messages and prayers

Alejandro Villanueva, I salute you.

I came here to share that since it’s finally the FALL Season and I just finished a sweet blog on Fall for another site I am part of:  Femcalibur) -I was inspired to make my first batch of roasted butternut squash soup this morning. It is delicious and I wanted to share the recipe.
Instead I’m sitting here with my heart in my throat all weepy…


I came here to share that since it’s finally the FALL Season and I just finished a sweet blog on Fall for another site I am part of:  Femcalibur) -I was inspired to make my first batch of roasted butternut squash soup this morning. It is delicious and I wanted to share the recipe.

Instead I’m sitting here with my heart in my throat all weepy after I just made the mistake of reading a bunch of Facebook posts about how the Pittsburgh Steelers stayed in the locker room today in lieu of getting involved in the current “Boycott the National Anthem” foolishness. One lone Steeler, Alejandro Villanueva, a Veteran who served three tours in Afghanistan and didn’t begin his football career until 2014 because of it, stood alone during the Anthem with his hand over his heart. When I saw this, I lost it.

I was compelled to look him up and I found an article from SBNation where they quoted him as saying the following:

“I don’t know if the most effective way is to sit down during the national anthem with a country that’s providing you freedom, providing you $16 million a year … when there are black minorities that are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan for less than $20,000 a year.”

“I will be the first one to hold hands with Colin Kaepernick and do something about the way minorities are being treated in the United States, the injustice that is happening with police brutality, the justice system, inequalities in pay,” Villanueva said. “You can’t do it by looking away from the people that are trying to protect our freedom and our country.”

Accross the field, the Chicago Bears stood, arm in arm during the National Anthem. I cried about this as well.

What in the world is happening in our country? I am both appalled and heart broken. I try and try to understand these groups, but I cannot wrap my heart around it. My heart always goes to my sweet, loving Jesus, and what would He think of all of this blatant hatred and disrespect? I understand that racism is alive and well in this country, but it’s alive and well across the globe, too. These protests do nothing but spread the hatred and further divide us all. It may sound incredibly naive and stupid but wouldn’t it be cool to see both teams arm in arm in a circle during the Anthem? That sends a clear message of unity, which is far better than a message of ignorance.

In my opinion, refusing to stand for the Anthem of the country in which you currently reside makes zero sense. If you cannot stand and place your hand over your heart for the National Anthem of the United States of America, you need a current passport and a ticket somewhere else.

My father and my Grandfather and my Uncle and countless friends and loved ones served or are currently serving in the military. Not honoring our Anthem isn’t a small thing, in my opinion. Wonder what would happen in ANY other country if this was the behavior? Guarantee it wouldn’t be tolerated. Besides this, it isn’t making a statement about a thing other than ignorance.

I wonder what would happen if all of us who are employed chose to go to work this morning and take a knee in protest of something? How long would we keep our jobs?

Speaking of taking a knee, I said to my husband last night that if they continue to take a knee during the Anthem, it’s fine by me. They are so ignorant that they don’t realize taking a knee is symbolic of humbling oneself before God (Or a Knight or King, but I will stick with the former).

I will just choose to see them on their knees as representative of their deep humility and gratitude to God for having the jobs they do; being paid mult-millions to play their favorite childhood game. I also choose to see them on their knee in prayer to God to keep this country free and safe from harm and also for peace across our land.

I don’t watch or follow football anyway, but if I did, I would seriously consider turning it off this season.

Allejandro Villanueva, I salute you. You got it right. Thank you for your service.

PS—For anyone who thinks I don’t understand the reasoning behind not standing for the flag, let me assure you that I do. I know this isn’t about protesting the flag or the Anthem, HOWEVER, since this demonstration  involves not standing for the Anthem, it actually indirectly/directly IS.

More God Speak

You have the strength to stand strong in the midst of difficult situations, and the wisdom it takes to make good decisions. If something in your life isn’t working, be willing to release it to God and the angels.


Dear Child:

Rest in me.  I will not let you fail.  Close your ears to the chatter of those around you and open your heart to me alone.  When you despair, listen for MY voice. 

Do not allow those with selfish, egotistical motives to harm your heart.  Fill yourself with my love and know that I will protect you and continue to guide you.

Continue your meditations and persist in asking for my will. Be open to the miracles that follow. All is well.

Dry your tears, dear one. 

You are loved.


© 2011, Bobbe Ann Crouch


Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

— Philippians 4:4-5 (NIV)

From The Angels:

truth-intergrity Truth & Integrity:  You have the strength to stand strong in the midst of difficult situations, and the wisdom it takes to make good decisions. If something in your life isn’t working, be willing to release it to God and the angels.

Understand you are important, and know that you are called to add value to the world around you. No matter where you are in life today, you have potential to increase, grow, to be strengthened, and to move forward. God created you for His good purpose and you are His masterpiece!

image Archangel Michael: Rapid change is often unsettling and can be stressful, but only because it seems to be too rapid and therefore threatening. Remember that you have agreed on the higher level to be part of the change, and that the changes are to bring in Light, Love, Joy and Abundance.

Operate from your Heart rather than your head. If there is fear, then it is coming from your head. Stay grounded and open, and be practical. If you are in the flow of Divine Creative energy, then you cannot fail.

Archangel Michael is making his presence know to you. Remember that you are Safe and Protected at all times, and that all is in Divine Order at all times! If you trust Divine Order, and not your old habits, you will be fine! God and the angels will help you stay true to yourself during trying times.


study Study: Don’t let the pressures of life push those dreams down. Stir up those dreams. Shake off every disappointment and press forward. This is a new day. Get a new vision. Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, you are going to keep pressing forward. This is an important time for you to learn new ideas or skills.

You are going to keep growing. You are going to keep learning. You are going to stay active. If you will stay passionate about life, knowing what your purpose is and being your best every day, God will pour out His blessings to you. Perhaps you feel guided to enroll in a class and this card confirms that feeling.

Make the choice to keep your dreams in front of you. Remember, you have a purpose. You have a destiny. You were created to make a difference to impact our society to make this world a better place. You are being guided to enroll in class, continue your education.

Father of Mercy,

forgive my failings,

keep me in Your Grace,

and lead me in the way of salvation.

Give me strength in serving You

as a follower of Christ.

May the Eucharist bring me Your Forgiveness

and give me freedom to serve You all my life.

May it help me to remain faithful

and give me the grace I need in Your service.

May it teach me the way to eternal life.



Straighten Your Crown!

My Own Dear Child:

Why are you not caring for yourself as I have instructed? I feel the heaviness in your heart and I hear all of your lamentations. You aren’t sleeping; you are filling your hours with mindless scrolling. You are not taking care of your body. You are not practicing what I have taught you. Your body is a temple for your spirit.


My Own Dear Child:

Why are you not caring for yourself as I have instructed? I feel the heaviness in your heart and I hear all of your lamentations. You aren’t sleeping; you are filling your hours with mindless scrolling. You are not taking care of your body. You are not practicing what I have taught you. Your body is a temple for your spirit.

Let me remind you of your favorite verse from the Word:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it…” Matthew 7:13-14

This applies to the way you treat yourself as well. You may feel you have a right to be sad or that you cannot help feeling unsettled or hurt by another person’s actions. I want to tell you to take yourself down from the cross you’ve nailed yourself to. You do not belong there. You are a light to many in your world. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be respected.

It has always been easy for you to make sacrifices for me. You have entered through the narrow gate in every respect but  where your own well-being is concerned.

Today, this moment, I urge you to find the narrow gate and enter it, forcing your sadness and low self esteem to the backseat.

Rejoice in the fact that you are a child of mine, the Most High God.

Reclaim your magnificent coat of joy!

I love you!


© 2016. Bobbe Ann Crouch



From The Angels:

image Serenity: You are free from stress and your disposition is of greater inner peace and tranquility.

Even if your unable to resolve a current task at hand, your peace of mind and faith will allow you to trust that the angels and God will take care of you. If something in your life isn’t working, be willing to release it to God and the angels.

The angels reassure you that tranquility and refreshed peace of mind is within you. As you work toward serenity, and inner peace your life’s unforeseen problems begin to lessen and disappear.

power Power:   The power of your Creator is within you. It doesn’t matter if you’re facing a situation that seems larger than life or something that is a small hurdle the angels and God want to help you overcome it all!

The key to finding resolve in so many of life’s circumstances is to stay in the right frame of mind. You have the power of your Creator within you, all of the His greatness brings into focus who He is; faithful, righteous, good, honest and it diminishes the negative problems you are facing.

You have all the power of Divine love it is unlimited allow yourself shine. He is the one who with just his voice spoke the world and universe and cosmos into being, yet he is interested in the smallest and most intimate details of your life.

image New Love:  You have new love in your life whether it is with a new partner or rekindled love.

Let the light in open your heart to a new infusion of Divine love.

Trust in God and your guardian angels this will be an exciting time in your life. Embrace the changes flow with the current of love everything will work out.

Refuse to fall down.

If you cannot refuse to fall down,

refuse to stay down.

If you cannot refuse to stay down

lift your heart toward heaven

and like a hungry beggar,

ask that it be filled,

and it will be filled.

You may be pushed down.

You may be kept from rising.

But no one can keep you from lifting

your heart toward heaven — only you.

It is in the middle of misery that

so much becomes clear.

The one who says nothing good came of this,

is not yet listening.

a prayer – clarissa pinkola estés

O gentle presence, peace and joy and power;

O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour,

Thou Love that guards the nestling’s faltering flight!

Keep Thou my child on upward wing to-night.

Love is our refuge; only with mine eye

Can I behold the snare, the pit, the fall:

His habitation high is here, and nigh,

His arm encircles me, and mine, and all.

O make me glad for every scalding tear,

For hope deferred, ingratitude, disdain!

Wait, and love more for every hate, and fear

No ill, — since God is good, and loss is gain.

Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing;

In that sweet secret of the narrow way,

Seeking and finding, with the angels sing:

“Lo, I am with you alway,” — watch and pray.

No snare, no fowler, pestilence or pain;

No night drops down upon the troubled breast,

When heaven’s aftersmile earth’s tear-drops gain,

And mother finds her home and heavenly rest.

~Mary Baker Eddy


He did.

This morning like clockwork, I opened my eyes and started to think about all that is happening in my life and before I knew it, the tears were flowing like a waterfall. This is the sixth day in a row.

It’s. Getting. Old.


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7


This morning like clockwork, I opened my eyes and started to think about all that is happening in my life and before I knew it, the tears were flowing like a waterfall. This is the sixth day in a row.

It’s. Getting. Old.

Suddenly I had a memory of my last Doctor’s appointment. Just after taking my blood pressure and seeing that it was high, for no apparent reason, the sweet nurse (who I had never met) told me that unhealed relationships cause high blood pressure. She suggested I look up Dr. Wayne Dyer and start doing his healing meditations. Although I love Dr. Dyer, and I thought it was very sweet of her to suggest, I never pursued it…until this morning.

Out of desperation, I grabbed my iPad and typed, “Guided Meditation” into the search box. I visited Dr. Dyer’s site and started his “Ahhhh Meditation”. I quickly realized it wasn’t something I would be able to do because it requires vocal participation. It was far too early in the morning for me to be chanting. (I will revisit it later though, I loved what I heard.) Instead, I chose another meditation by someone I’ve never heard of.

I am amazed that almost immediately I found myself in a sacred space of my own creation, feeling a peace I have not felt in a very long time. It’s impossible to describe the beauty I experienced, so I will not try. Instead what I want to share is that once I was able to linger in the space and open my heart, the first person to join me there was Jesus Himself. I was half kneeling in the center of the space and when I opened my eyes, he was in the same position across from me looking right into my eyes. He was dressed in white and taking my hands in his, he smiled at me with great compassion. I began to cry grateful tears. I felt the love of a Father, nurturing his daughter. (I can still feel it as I type this.) No words were spoken; just indescribable love and tenderness. Precisely what I need right now.

I was able to stay in meditation for just under 30 minutes, which is something I have never in my life been able to do. I visited with The Blessed Mother, my guardian angels and countless loved ones who are on the other side and in the end, my beautiful, adorable, loving animals who are also there. Every single soul brought me the same ineffable ethereal love and compassion.

Today the signs continued to pour out on me like they used to. I have prayed for so long for Jesus to help me get back to my close bond and today I feel a renewed sense of hope and connectedness. I will meditate again. I can hardly wait.

I have always said there is never a time or place that all of heaven isn’t listening to us; standing at the ready to come to our aid. We just have to make time to communicate and to be open to receiving their love. I know beyond a doubt that this morning wasn’t happenstance or coincidence. I don’t believe in such things.

My feet are planted more firmly under me than they have been in a while. I feel energized and peaceful at the same time, but most of all I feel humbled, Blessed and deeply grateful.

Yesterday I asked God to do for me what I couldn’t do.

I prayed:


Dear God,
I can’t. You can. Please do. Thank you in advance. I love you. 
Guess what?
He did.

From The Angels:

divine-timing Divine Timing: Change can be fast, yet keep in mind the importance of patience and Divine timing, developing a trust in the unseen mysteries of spirit working in your life.

The more that you can approach your own shifting with loving kindness, the smoother your road of change will be. On some days it may still feel like a roller coaster ride, yet your self-love can help you to have the necessary steadiness within.

Pay close attention to doors that are open to you. As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, angels surround you with their love and blessings.

surrender-release Surrender & Release: If we could see the miracle in letting go our whole life would change. Let go, allow God and the angels to help you.

When we willingly release and begin the process of healing from the unhappy situation, we may find we gain the necessary clarity that was not apparent to us before. In having gained clarity individuals often regain their own self-determination and strength.

The angels ask you to try not to control the outcome of your troubling situation. It can take a lot of courage to let go and trust in the decision to do so but It may also be one of the most valuable decisions we can ever make. Let go, and let God help you!

image Healing: The highest purpose of your healer guides is to restore your self-awareness and self-esteem as children of God and help you accept the love and unlimited blessings that God grants you.

Opening your heart and mind to your worthiness is the best healing of all.

Almighty God, father God, God of great mercy. I love and am grateful I can come before you knowing you accept me as your child whom you love.

Thank you so much dear Jesus that you are with me where ever I go. Like a child in his mother’s arms I come to you. Take ownership of me, guide me, prompt me, teach me, and instruct me dear God in the way I should go. May your great plan for my life be fulfilled so I may be closer to you.

Thank you dear God for all you have done.

Poised & Pleased

Contrary to popular belief, poise is not something that is learned in acting or charm school. Rather, genuine poise is the natural outgrowth of a balance inner nature. When our inner nature is balanced, we never lose our composure.

Love in Heaven

Dear Child:

I heard you yesterday.  You weren’t directly speaking to me but I heard your heart. 

I see you.  I feel you.

I know you work with a smile on your face when you would rather be covered up, floating in a puddle of tears.  I know your heart feels like it’s pulling apart.  I know there are unanswered questions and so many things you do not understand.  I understand you can’t comprehend why those close to you behave the way they do.

Rest assured, little one, I have a much better vantage point. 

Rest in the fact that I can see the entire picture.

Your only job is to remain poised in my love for you and you are succeeding in this task.

I am well pleased.

I love you.  You are not alone.


©2011, BAC


An Angel Reminder:  Poise is a natural effect of living in angel consciousness.

Poise is the quality to cultivate if you want to have more stability and confidence in your every day life.  A poised manner exudes dignity and promotes peace.  Contrary to popular belief, poise is not something that is learned in acting or charm school.  Rather, genuine poise is the natural outgrowth of a balance inner nature.  When our inner nature is balanced, we never lose our composure.  Instead, we remain calm in mind and manner, no matter what the situation.  Poise also has another meaning:  to be suspended in a state of readiness for action.  When we are poised, we are balanced both mentally and physically, at peace with but completely aware of our surroundings, able to reason and respond with thoughtfulness, clarity, and quickness of mind and body.

Wake up in the morning and decide that you will remain poised throughout your day.  Write a declaration stating that regardless of the insanity around you in the world, regardless of the unhappiness, anger, and instability of the outside illusions,  you will remain calm and centered and never lose your poise.  As the angels to help remind you that each time your poise is threatened you must go back to your center of calmness and breathe deeply.  Any action taken when we are calm, poised, and conscious of the angels will be the right action.

An Angelic Reflection:  I will practice the art of poise in my everyday life, knowing that a calm center keeps the angels close to my heart.

(Angel Wisdom:  Terry Lynn Taylor & Mary Beth Crain.  © 1994 Harper-Collins)

From The Angels:

self-acceptance Self-Acceptance: You are a perfect child of God, and every part of you is wonderful. Your angels guide you to let go of negative self-judgments and to enjoy being you!

“You are much too hard on yourself,” your angels say to you through this card. Although you enjoy having high standards, it’s important to view yourself through loving eyes. Berating yourself only makes your spirit sink. Self-improvement comes from a positive mind-set.

See yourself through your angels’ eyes, and you will see someone who is a perfect and holy child of God. Although you have made mistakes in the past, there is nothing that you could have ever said, thought, or done that would change God’s love for you. The angels see past your surface mistakes; they see the beating heart of God’s love within you. They love you unconditionally, and they ask you to love yourself in the same way!

intention Intention: Your intentions create your experiences. What do you intend to happen? Make sure that your thoughts and feelings reflect your true intentions.

By drawing this card, the angels ask you to take an inventory of your expectations. What do you expect to happen today, tomorrow, or in the future? These expectations are the seeds of your intentions. An intention means that you have set a goal and intend to achieve it.

Your intentions drive your experiences. The angels ask you to choose and infuse your intentions with love. See yourself and others as happy, successful, and peaceful. By holding these spiritually minded intentions, you help yourself and others. The angels can help you replace negative mental habits with more empowering thoughts, if you ask for their assistance.

image Support:  God, the angels, and all who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now. When you take time to communicate with God and the angels, they are able to pour out power and strength into our lives.

This card reassures in the multitude of anxious thoughts within you. Divine love comforts you. They will comfort you with the energy of Divine love.

If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the angels to help you release these fears.


John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Ephesians 6:10-17

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


In this quiet moment,

Still before your throne,

Conscious of your presence,

Knowing I am known.

In this quiet moment,

Set my spirit free!

In this quiet moment,

Make a better me!

St. Ignatius Loyola – 16th century

Angelic Musing

Miracles should inspire gratitude, not awe. You should thank God for what you really are. The children of God are holy and the miracle honors their holiness, which can be hidden but never lost.


Prayer is the medium of miracles. It is means of communication of the created with the Creator. Through prayer love is received, and through miracles love is expressed.

Miracles should inspire gratitude, not awe. You should thank God for what you really are. The children of God are holy and the miracle honors their holiness, which can be hidden but never lost.
“Dearest Child:

Why are you hiding your joy from the rest of the world?

So many times of late you have been inspired by the spirit to create, yet you allow matters of the physical world to rob you. By the time you return to try to recapture the original feeling, the inspiration is gone.

Which is the more surprising to you? Is it the fact that we announce you as a creative being or the fact that as a simple being, you are divinely inspired?

We wish to remind you that inspiration is fleeting and must be seized as it arrives. While it may arrive in the simplicity of: an inner prompting to call a friend, an urge to clean off the front porch, an inclination to drive across town, put on a favorite song, send a card, surprise a relative or simply to let an irritation go by without incident; it is to be honored as gift.

True inspiration is not solely reserved for those your world reveres as, ‘the great minds’ although it is soul-fully reserved. True inspiration occurs when your spirit is freely connecting with the Universe.

Everyone on your earth receives divine inspiration, especially you! Each of you is a creation of the One who is love. You are a unique being.

Hear our call: True reverence is not reserved for the honorees of grandiose inspiration; it is for those who listen and heed what the heart dictates. Love created only ONE of you.

Be contemplative. Why would Love create only one of each being in the world were it not to do with creative inspiration?

Ambiance in your every day life is not a frivolity; it is necessity. You were created to live in beauty. Look thee only to the sun and the stars and the sky; to the lush greenery of grass and trees and to the majesty of the large creatures of the sea, to the highest mountains, to the sparkle of the fireflies in the evening and the song of the birds announcing day break. Your world was created out of His love for you as inspiration for you.

We wish to help you with your projects large and small; yet we may not be recognized in your home if your mind, body and spirit are cluttered.

Therefore our message to you this day and every day remains, ‘keep your corners clear & heed all inspiration’. You have joy to share with the rest of your world despite the fact you may not choose to believe. The first step in claiming this joy is to clear your corners. Do not fall into belief that corners are merely in the physical. Heart and mind and body and soul can have cluttered corners as well.

Remember ASK and we shall rush to your aid.

Reach out! Reach up! Express the joy you carry within through honor of inspiration. You will find us there always.

We are your angels, sent forth to bring you love.”
(©Bobbe Ann Crouch, circa, @2009)

…No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their hands, That you do not strike your foot against a stone. Psalm 91:10-12

From the Angels:

listening Listening: It’s easy to get busy in life trying to do everything at once. You can listen and work at the same time but sometimes multi-tasking isn’t the best use of our time. Sometimes we have to stop, look people in the eyes, and give them the gift of listening.

We need to take time to deposit value in their hearts. We need to support one another, and listening is an amazing way of doing just that.

As you go about your day, the angels remind you to give people the gift of listening. It seems like such a little thing, but those little deposits will eventually make a big difference. When you make deposits in people, you are making deposits in eternity, and that is what pleases the heart of God.

truth-intergrity Truth & Integrity: You have the strength to stand strong in the midst of difficult situations, and the wisdom it takes to make good decisions. If something in your life isn’t working, be willing to release it to God and the angels.

Understand you are important, and know that you are called to add value to the world around you. No matter where you are in life today, you have potential to increase, grow, to be strengthened, and to move forward. God created you for His good purpose and you are His masterpiece!

children Children: Children are a tremendous blessing to us, but they are also a tremendous responsibility that God has entrusted to us. As parents, we have been entrusted to nurture, train, teach and prepare our children for life.

Are you taking time to invest in your children? And if you don’t have any children, how about your nieces and nephews? We all have things that we’ve learned: skills, talents, life experiences, wisdom. You have a responsibility to transfer what we know to the next generation. When you invest in somebody else, you will continue to live on. Your life can have influence for generations to come if you will take time to invest in people. The only way this is going to happen is if you are taking time to invest in them. If you are not careful, you will substitute activity for attention. Understand, your children need you more than they need another activity.

The best legacy is not what you leave for people. It’s what you leave in people. You have a wealth of knowledge that God has entrusted you with. You are not supposed to keep that to yourself. You should be passing that on to somebody else. You have a responsibility to transfer what we know to the next generation. If you need guidance all you need to do is ask, we are always here for you.


Dearest God:
Forgive me for the times that I act like a child. I think my concerns are more important than those of others. I’m sorry for the times I thought I had it rough, not knowing that somewhere else in the world, some else is truly going without, someone else has just seen their parents executed, someone else is being held captive for no other reason than his/her beliefs or ethnicity. Help me to remember that you always have my highest good in sight and that I really do not know what’s best for me. Help me to pray better. Help me to be a better sister in my own tiny family and also in the family of humanity.

I recognize my Blessings and I thank you. Help me always to be more open to your miraculous ways. Help me to remember that if I stay open and let you lead, all will be well.

May you continue to Bless all of us and work on our hearts as you see fit.
