Alejandro Villanueva, I salute you.

I came here to share that since it’s finally the FALL Season and I just finished a sweet blog on Fall for another site I am part of:  Femcalibur) -I was inspired to make my first batch of roasted butternut squash soup this morning. It is delicious and I wanted to share the recipe.
Instead I’m sitting here with my heart in my throat all weepy…


I came here to share that since it’s finally the FALL Season and I just finished a sweet blog on Fall for another site I am part of:  Femcalibur) -I was inspired to make my first batch of roasted butternut squash soup this morning. It is delicious and I wanted to share the recipe.

Instead I’m sitting here with my heart in my throat all weepy after I just made the mistake of reading a bunch of Facebook posts about how the Pittsburgh Steelers stayed in the locker room today in lieu of getting involved in the current “Boycott the National Anthem” foolishness. One lone Steeler, Alejandro Villanueva, a Veteran who served three tours in Afghanistan and didn’t begin his football career until 2014 because of it, stood alone during the Anthem with his hand over his heart. When I saw this, I lost it.

I was compelled to look him up and I found an article from SBNation where they quoted him as saying the following:

“I don’t know if the most effective way is to sit down during the national anthem with a country that’s providing you freedom, providing you $16 million a year … when there are black minorities that are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan for less than $20,000 a year.”

“I will be the first one to hold hands with Colin Kaepernick and do something about the way minorities are being treated in the United States, the injustice that is happening with police brutality, the justice system, inequalities in pay,” Villanueva said. “You can’t do it by looking away from the people that are trying to protect our freedom and our country.”

Accross the field, the Chicago Bears stood, arm in arm during the National Anthem. I cried about this as well.

What in the world is happening in our country? I am both appalled and heart broken. I try and try to understand these groups, but I cannot wrap my heart around it. My heart always goes to my sweet, loving Jesus, and what would He think of all of this blatant hatred and disrespect? I understand that racism is alive and well in this country, but it’s alive and well across the globe, too. These protests do nothing but spread the hatred and further divide us all. It may sound incredibly naive and stupid but wouldn’t it be cool to see both teams arm in arm in a circle during the Anthem? That sends a clear message of unity, which is far better than a message of ignorance.

In my opinion, refusing to stand for the Anthem of the country in which you currently reside makes zero sense. If you cannot stand and place your hand over your heart for the National Anthem of the United States of America, you need a current passport and a ticket somewhere else.

My father and my Grandfather and my Uncle and countless friends and loved ones served or are currently serving in the military. Not honoring our Anthem isn’t a small thing, in my opinion. Wonder what would happen in ANY other country if this was the behavior? Guarantee it wouldn’t be tolerated. Besides this, it isn’t making a statement about a thing other than ignorance.

I wonder what would happen if all of us who are employed chose to go to work this morning and take a knee in protest of something? How long would we keep our jobs?

Speaking of taking a knee, I said to my husband last night that if they continue to take a knee during the Anthem, it’s fine by me. They are so ignorant that they don’t realize taking a knee is symbolic of humbling oneself before God (Or a Knight or King, but I will stick with the former).

I will just choose to see them on their knees as representative of their deep humility and gratitude to God for having the jobs they do; being paid mult-millions to play their favorite childhood game. I also choose to see them on their knee in prayer to God to keep this country free and safe from harm and also for peace across our land.

I don’t watch or follow football anyway, but if I did, I would seriously consider turning it off this season.

Allejandro Villanueva, I salute you. You got it right. Thank you for your service.

PS—For anyone who thinks I don’t understand the reasoning behind not standing for the flag, let me assure you that I do. I know this isn’t about protesting the flag or the Anthem, HOWEVER, since this demonstration  involves not standing for the Anthem, it actually indirectly/directly IS.