Guilt Be Gone!

Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit … Repent and live! — Ezekiel 18:31-32


Dearest Child:

Distance yourself from those things which cause you distance from me.  This includes your self deprecating and destructive thoughts, whatever you have left unforgivable from your past, and the needless guilt you carry from days gone by.

Dear One, I have forgiven and forgotten ALL of the the things you are still carrying.  Clear this from your heart so that I will have more space in which to dwell.  Hold your head high and know that you are my perfect child and I love you.


© 2011, BAC

Dear Lord:

I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God. You’re my safe-house, A sanctuary during bad time. The moment I arrive, I relax; I’m never sorry I knocked. I love you!

Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit … Repent and live! — Ezekiel 18:31-32 (NIV)


From The Angels:

soulmate Soul Mate:  Your prayer for a soul mate relationship is answered. You have an assignment and you are full of gifts, talents, encouragement and love. You have rich treasure inside you that people need. Your desire for a partner has been answered the great love you have prayed for the angels are taking steps to manifest this desire.

You have more in you than you realize, and you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. The angles are guiding you dare to be bold and believe that you are deserving of great love.

Your angels ask you to trust in them and follow their lead.

image Archangel Michael:   Rapid change is often unsettling and can be stressful, but only because it seems to be too rapid and therefore threatening. Remember that you have agreed on the higher level to be part of the change, and that the changes are to bring in Light, Love, Joy and Abundance.

Operate from your Heart rather than your head. If there is fear, then it is coming from your head. Stay grounded and open, and be practical. If you are in the flow of Divine Creative energy, then you cannot fail.

Archangel Michael is making his presence know to you. Remember that you are Safe and Protected at all times, and that all is in Divine Order at all times! If you trust Divine Order, and not your old habits, you will be fine! God and the angels will help you stay true to yourself during trying times.

spiritual-growth Spiritual Growth: Integrate spirituality to a higher degree in your daily live! Enjoy the process!

You are seeking a higher connection a renewed connection with the Divine and you wish you could immerse yourself read, study, learn, or meditate take it all in at once. The exhilaration of moving up to a higher level of consciousness is challenging slow down and enjoy the process.

Trust that the same Power that brought you to your spiritual path will also take care of everything for you.

God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a time;

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Taking, as He did, this sinful world

as it is, not as I would have it;

Trusting that He will make all things right

if I surrender to His Will;

That I may be reasonably happy in this life

and supremely happy with Him

Forever in the next.


–Reinhold Niebuhr

Negative Self Talk

Our lives are filled with challenges, changes, fulfillment, surprises, ups and downs. More importantly, they are ours to do with what we wish, each and every day. When we are confused, confined or when we take a wrong turn, we may need some help working through the muddle and getting back on track


Our lives are filled with challenges, changes, fulfillment, surprises, ups and downs. More importantly, they are ours to do with what we wish, each and every day. When we are confused, confined or when we take a wrong turn, we may need some help working through the muddle and getting back on track. It is during these times, especially, that we must believe in ourselves and trust that we can indeed do what we set out to do. Our angels are always with us and they believe in us. They encourage us to do our best, explore the unknown, fulfill our dreams, and then dream anew. Our angels inspire us to be all that we can be.

In the pursuit of happiness many people are too busy to find that which they seek. Frequently the happiness we so passionately desire is found in little events that are but whispered. If we don’t pay attention, we miss them. There can be happiness in the way light falls through the trees or in the way autumn leaves flutter to the ground. There can be happiness in the way our children call for us by name or in the familiar sight of our home as we round the corner two blocks away. Happiness weaves is way through precious memories and valueless keepsakes that are priceless to us. Many take enormous delight in the presence of a beloved pet, just the way they look at us or the unconditional love they pour out upon us. For some, there is genuine delight in the taste of a specially loved food. We are surrounded by that which can be meaningful and full of delight. The question is, will we be still and quiet long enough to enjoy?

Most people’s unhappiness can be traced directly to the tone of the voice in which they talk to themselves–nagging, demanding, criticizing. Simply stopping to notice inspires compassion and integration. Compassion towards oneself is the prototype of the compassion one has for others. Playing self-condemning and self-improvement games keeps people in the path of always seeking but never finding happiness. Recognize and acknowledge that you are a truly beautiful person you are just the way you are right now!

I’ve discovered I always have choices and sometimes it’s only a choice of attitude!”

How often have you heard the phrase, ‘Nobody’s perfect,’ or even said it yourself? This phrase brings to mind some unspoken judgment that you should be perfect, that you should be able to do and have it all. Well, did you know that unrealistic sense of perfection actually gets in the way of achieving your dreams?

That inner critic, who is inside many of us, is nothing but a troublemaker! I am talking about that nagging little voice inside of you that says, ‘I don’t know if I can do that,’ or ‘I’m not good enough,’ or even, ‘why bother trying when I know it won’t work.’ That inner critic accepts nothing short of perfection!  And let’s face it, life is far from perfect!

But back to our inner critic. What it is? It comes from a lack of self-confidence, plain and simple. The funny thing about lacking confidence is that it doesn’t mean you aren’t capable. It has more to do with having unreasonably high expectations. When you accept only perfection, then who on earth can possibly measure up?

What you really need to keep you moving forward are realistic, doable expectations, and the ability to keep a positive outlook, even if you do make a mistake or fail in some plan. As former First Lady Rosalyn Carter has said, ‘Once you accept the fact that you’re not perfect, then you develop some confidence.’

When you are self-confident—and I’m not talking about being a ‘know-it-all’—you know and trust your abilities and set realistic expectations. You can keep a positive outlook and accept the fact that you can make mistakes or even fail, without being wrong or incapable.

So the next time you find yourself expecting perfection, just remind yourself that ‘nobody’s perfect.’


From The Angels: ( As always, if this speaks to you, it’s meant for you!)

signs Signs: You have asked for a sign from your angels. Pay close attention to everything going on around you scents, color, objects. Be aware of the messages they are trying to alert you … notice sounds, objects.

You’ve asked for heaven to help you. This card signifies that your angels are trying to get your attention with signs.

They are trying to make contact with you.

answered-prayer Answered Prayer: Each day connect with your soul allow the divine light in. Your prayers have been answered.

In your life find a way to experience spiritual devotion through prayer or meditation in a way that brings out devotional qualities. These qualities or energies are healing. They drive away anger. All of your prayers are always answered.

The angels request that you be observant of everything you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, or sense in any way it is an aspect of Divinity.

power Power:   The power of your Creator is within you. It doesn’t matter if you’re facing a situation that seems larger than life or something that is a small hurdle the angels and God want to help you overcome it all!

The key to finding resolve in so many of life’s circumstances is to stay in the right frame of mind. You have the power of your Creator within you, all of the His greatness brings into focus who He is; faithful, righteous, good, honest and it diminishes the negative problems you are facing.

You have all the power of Divine love it is unlimited allow yourself shine. He is the one who with just his voice spoke the world and universe and cosmos into being, yet he is interested in the smallest and most intimate details of your life.

Father in Heaven,

ever-living source of all that is good,

keep me faithful in serving You.

Help me to drink of Christ’s Truth,

and fill my heart with His Love

so that I may serve You in faith

and love and reach eternal life.

In the Sacrament of the Eucharist

You give me the joy of sharing Your Life.

Keep me in Your presence.

Let me never be separated from You

and help me to do Your Will.



Poised & Pleased

Contrary to popular belief, poise is not something that is learned in acting or charm school. Rather, genuine poise is the natural outgrowth of a balance inner nature. When our inner nature is balanced, we never lose our composure.

Love in Heaven

Dear Child:

I heard you yesterday.  You weren’t directly speaking to me but I heard your heart. 

I see you.  I feel you.

I know you work with a smile on your face when you would rather be covered up, floating in a puddle of tears.  I know your heart feels like it’s pulling apart.  I know there are unanswered questions and so many things you do not understand.  I understand you can’t comprehend why those close to you behave the way they do.

Rest assured, little one, I have a much better vantage point. 

Rest in the fact that I can see the entire picture.

Your only job is to remain poised in my love for you and you are succeeding in this task.

I am well pleased.

I love you.  You are not alone.


©2011, BAC


An Angel Reminder:  Poise is a natural effect of living in angel consciousness.

Poise is the quality to cultivate if you want to have more stability and confidence in your every day life.  A poised manner exudes dignity and promotes peace.  Contrary to popular belief, poise is not something that is learned in acting or charm school.  Rather, genuine poise is the natural outgrowth of a balance inner nature.  When our inner nature is balanced, we never lose our composure.  Instead, we remain calm in mind and manner, no matter what the situation.  Poise also has another meaning:  to be suspended in a state of readiness for action.  When we are poised, we are balanced both mentally and physically, at peace with but completely aware of our surroundings, able to reason and respond with thoughtfulness, clarity, and quickness of mind and body.

Wake up in the morning and decide that you will remain poised throughout your day.  Write a declaration stating that regardless of the insanity around you in the world, regardless of the unhappiness, anger, and instability of the outside illusions,  you will remain calm and centered and never lose your poise.  As the angels to help remind you that each time your poise is threatened you must go back to your center of calmness and breathe deeply.  Any action taken when we are calm, poised, and conscious of the angels will be the right action.

An Angelic Reflection:  I will practice the art of poise in my everyday life, knowing that a calm center keeps the angels close to my heart.

(Angel Wisdom:  Terry Lynn Taylor & Mary Beth Crain.  © 1994 Harper-Collins)

From The Angels:

self-acceptance Self-Acceptance: You are a perfect child of God, and every part of you is wonderful. Your angels guide you to let go of negative self-judgments and to enjoy being you!

“You are much too hard on yourself,” your angels say to you through this card. Although you enjoy having high standards, it’s important to view yourself through loving eyes. Berating yourself only makes your spirit sink. Self-improvement comes from a positive mind-set.

See yourself through your angels’ eyes, and you will see someone who is a perfect and holy child of God. Although you have made mistakes in the past, there is nothing that you could have ever said, thought, or done that would change God’s love for you. The angels see past your surface mistakes; they see the beating heart of God’s love within you. They love you unconditionally, and they ask you to love yourself in the same way!

intention Intention: Your intentions create your experiences. What do you intend to happen? Make sure that your thoughts and feelings reflect your true intentions.

By drawing this card, the angels ask you to take an inventory of your expectations. What do you expect to happen today, tomorrow, or in the future? These expectations are the seeds of your intentions. An intention means that you have set a goal and intend to achieve it.

Your intentions drive your experiences. The angels ask you to choose and infuse your intentions with love. See yourself and others as happy, successful, and peaceful. By holding these spiritually minded intentions, you help yourself and others. The angels can help you replace negative mental habits with more empowering thoughts, if you ask for their assistance.

image Support:  God, the angels, and all who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now. When you take time to communicate with God and the angels, they are able to pour out power and strength into our lives.

This card reassures in the multitude of anxious thoughts within you. Divine love comforts you. They will comfort you with the energy of Divine love.

If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the angels to help you release these fears.


John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Ephesians 6:10-17

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


In this quiet moment,

Still before your throne,

Conscious of your presence,

Knowing I am known.

In this quiet moment,

Set my spirit free!

In this quiet moment,

Make a better me!

St. Ignatius Loyola – 16th century

Church Lady Woes

In a nano second my mind wandered away, thinking about how much I love my work and the many positive experiences I get to have while working in a church that isn’t of my denomination.


This morning before I got out of bed, I laid there in an attempt to pray. I was lying there asking God to take care of my loved ones and to keep everyone happy, healthy and secure. Also I was seeking help on my current employment situation. (I am just not sure I am supposed to be where I am any more.)

In a nano second my mind wandered away, thinking about how much I love my work and the many positive experiences I get to have while working in a church that isn’t of my denomination. I am Catholic. I work for a liberal Baptist church. Their hands are in everything imaginable and it’s a beautiful thing to witness and on occasion, to get to be involved in.

What has always interested me about this job is what goes on behind the scenes. Growing up a Catholic girl, I only experienced Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation Masses, funerals and Weddings. Aside from the one time as an adult that I joined a new church, I don’t recall ever setting foot inside a church office.

(Wait. There was one other time where I visited a favorite Priest to talk with him about my experience with The Blessed Mother and the Angels. That was a lovely experience I will talk about another day.)

The point is that I don’t think I ever thought about what goes into running a church. Who makes the decisions;how do things operate; how do the bills get paid; where does the money come from? Who steers the direction? Who decides what events to have, etc. Does “The church lady” really exist?

It is mind boggling. (She does exist, by the way, and she has lots of church lady friends.)

Catholics look to the clergy and the clergy have a very clear hierarchy. Most Catholic Churches have a Parish administrator who handles the business end of their affairs and there isn’t much wiggle room. This is not the case where I work. Everything done within my workplace is done by committee. One team handles personnel, another team handles, finances, another team handles worship, another team handles memorials and so on, and on, and on. Every three years the teams rotate.

For the most part everything works out just fine, but there are some years where the tides turn and I start to feel frustrated when things are done that I personally do not agree with. Usually problems occur when someone appears to be acting out of ego instead of what’s in the best interest of the church. This is where I am right now. I don’t like ego-driven anything especially when it interferes with my work happiness.

For the first time I find myself seriously questioning whether or not I am in the right place. It makes me sad.

Returning to my prayers with apologies to the Lord for being so distracted, I hear in my heart:

Dear Child:

Be still and know that I am near. You will hear my direction when your heart is clear and the time is right. For now, offer your best in all that you do. Do take better care of your temple. In this, you will find your joy.

Breathe in. Fill yourself with my love. It is there.

All is well.


Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?  Matthew 6:25-34

From the Angels:

divine-timing Divine Timing: Change can be fast, yet keep in mind the importance of patience and Divine timing, developing a trust in the unseen mysteries of spirit working in your life.

The more that you can approach your own shifting with loving kindness, the smoother your road of change will be. On some days it may still feel like a roller coaster ride, yet your self-love can help you to have the necessary steadiness within.

Pay close attention to doors that are open to you. As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, angels surround you with their love and blessings.

imageHealing: The highest purpose of your healer guides is to restore your self-awareness and self-esteem as children of God and help you accept the love and unlimited blessings that God grants you.

Opening your heart and mind to your worthiness is the best healing of all.

harmony Harmony: Strife, confusion and conflict be gone. A difference of opinion has clouded your thoughts.

If you change your focus and look for the common ground of peace, you can bring harmony into your relationships again.

You know that one of the most powerful ways you can fight for your relationships is to be a peacemaker? Beloved child of God, you are a peace-lover at heart. You are bringing unity into your relationships.

Focus and look for the common ground of peace, you can bring harmony into your relationships again, you become an Earth angel. Remember, God and the angels tells us that blessed are the peacemakers. When we dwell together in unity, we honor God and open the door for His hand of blessing in every area of our lives!


Life is a tapestry: We are the warp; angels, the weft; God, the weaver. Only the Weaver sees the whole design.


Please God.


Dear Lord:

I persist in feeling unsettled and out of balance. How is it possible to wake up and in one twenty-four hour period suddenly feel I may not be where I am supposed to be?

Where I thought I was settled and safe, I now feel like a lamb among a family of tigers.

Still I know in my heart that this feeling will pass and so I will look forward until it does.

Please show me the way.


Dear Child:

Trust that the details of the larger picture are unfolding as they should. You may not understand why things are happening as they are, but I do.

You’ve prayed and prayed asking for my help. You’ve surrendered all to me and I shall not fail you.

Keep the faith. The answers you seek are all ready in motion.

All is well.

I love you,

©2011, Bobbe Ann Crouch

Please God

An Angel Reminder: Thank you. God.

Considering how challenging life has become in this fast-paced world, one can imagine that the words please, God are rising at all hours, in all languages, from all kinds of people. We usually beg God to change our environment or the people around us. But the truth is, when we ask God to please bring us a change, we are in fact asking God to change us. Since we are the ones sending the prayer, God can best answer that prayer by initiating changes in us. sure, it would be great if God could get rid of all the mean people messing things up, but that will happen only when individuals truly reach a change in their own consciousness–when each person takes responsibility for change in the world by being, themselves, willing to change. The angels are here to help us change, and then change some more.

Next time you have the urge to send out a “please, God,” think about sending out a “thank you, God, for giving me the strength and courage to change.” You will begin to see with new eyes the things you can change in your own life and your own perception that will bring more peace. At the heart of each cry to God is a simple intention to bring peace to our hearts and souls. When we are truly peaceful, we have mo need to beg God for anything; we have it all.

An Angelic Reflection: I will let the angel intercept my pleas and usher in a real change of heart and consciousness.

(Angel Courage: Terry Lynn Taylor & Mary Beth Crain. (©1999, HarperSanFrancisco)

From The Angels

healing Healing: The highest purpose of your healer guides is to restore your self-awareness and self-esteem as children of God and help you accept the love and unlimited blessings that God grants you.

Opening your heart and mind to your worthiness is the best healing of all.

surrender-release Surrender & Release: If we could see the miracle in letting go our whole life would change. Let go, allow God and the angels to help you.

When we willingly release and begin the process of healing from the unhappy situation, we may find we gain the necessary clarity that was not apparent to us before. In having gained clarity individuals often regain their own self determination and strength.

The angels ask you to try not to control the outcome of your troubling situation. It can take a lot of courage to let go and trust in the decision to do so but It may also be one of the most valuable decisions we can ever make. Let go, and let God help you!

trust Trust: You have to be willing to pour in everything you have before you can see Gods increase flowing in your life. Believe in yourself, the angels emphasize the value of self-trust.

The angels encourage you to give God what you have in your hands today, and as you stay faithful to do your part, God will do His part.

When you put action behind your faith and trust God, He will pour wisdom, strength, and creativity into you and help you accomplish the dreams and desires He has placed in your heart. The angels ask you to trust in God and to trust in them, they will help you trust yourself.

Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the LORD, who do their work in darkness and think, “Who sees us? Who will know?”— Isaiah 29:15 (NIV)

Today’s Prayer:

Let me love thee, I am gladdest
When I’m loving thee the best;
For in sunshine or in sadness
I can find in thee my rest.
Love will soften every sorrow,
Love will lighten every care,
Love unquestioning will follow,
Love will triumph, love will dare.


Eternal Father, I humbly adore Thee, and thank Thee for having created me, and for having redeemed me through Jesus Christ. I thank Thee most sincerely for having made me a Christian, by giving me the true faith, and by adopting me as Thy son, in the sacrament of baptism. I thank Thee for having, after the numberless sins I had committed, waited for my repentance, and for having pardoned (as I humbly hope) all the offenses which I have offered to Thee, and for which I am now sincerely sorry, because they have been displeasing to Thee, who art infinite goodness. I thank Thee for having preserved me from so many relapses, of which I would have been guilty if Thou hadst not protected me. But my enemies still continue, and will continue till death, to combat against me, and to endeavor to make me their slave. If Thou dost not constantly guard and succor me with thy aid, I, a miserable creature, shall return to sin, and shall certainly lose Thy grace. I beseech Thee, then, for the love of Jesus Christ, to grant me holy perseverance unto death. Jesus, Thy Son, has promised that Thou wilt grant whatsoever we ask in his name. Through the merits, then, of Jesus Christ, I beg, for myself and for all the just, the grace never again to be separated from Thy love, but to love Thee forever, in time and eternity.

Broken a little

Yesterday I violated a rule of mine. I cried at work. More. Than. Once.


Yesterday I violated a rule of mine…and I couldn’t help it. (Sucks) I cried at work. More. Than. Once.  Tonight I am still sitting here weepy, only now I am mad at myself for being weepy at work today. (Argh. I am soooooooo much better than this.)

To break it down, I have been a participant in multiple high stress situations beyond my control since before summer started. Most of them involve trying to handle the estate and final sale of my recently departed mother-in-law’s home from across several states…but there are others as well. I seem to be meeting myself coming and going. (Keep in mind we are crossing into November. That is a long time to be in near constant stress.)

At this point, if my tolerance for negativity were a sponge, mine would be oozing and dripping all over the counter top. Though I know this will subside eventually, right now I am hyper sensitive. At least I am aware of it, right?

All of this brings me to a reflection from days gone by:

What would happen if:

For one day only, we choose to speak solely when necessary?
For one day only, we speak not ONE word to another ABOUT what another person said, did, thought or acted like? (In short, we do not speak about others unless it is to communicate something positive and wonderful?)
For one day only, we turn off the car radio and cell phone and instead, offer sincere prayer for anyone we pass on the street?
For one day only, we projected all the love we have in our lives to somewhere else, say, the Middle East?
For one day only, we keep our secrets between ourselves and God?
For one day only, we choose to follow, rather than to lead?
For one day only, we were quiet enough to hear God’s voice inside us?

What would it say?

In the past, I used to declare every Monday: “Affirmation Monday”. My friends and I would post what our intentions and affirmations were for the week. Maybe today might be a good day to do some reflecting on the times in our lives when we’ve been hurt someone else’s words or deeds and how we can help to eradicate this type of behavior in our own lives.

Yesterday Charlie and I were talking about how people speak to one another. I related an experience I had at a film event where a girl I have never met and who is probably thirty years my junior, kept calling me “baby”. “Baby, Baby…are you sitting in that chair?” I was polite and smiled, but inside I wanted to take her by the arm and say to her, “Listen to yourself, you sound like an imbecile; is this really the image you want to project here?” I realize it was a small thing that isn’t worth dwelling on, or is it? Today I’m still thinking about that girl and wondering; Who is her mother? Why wasn’t she taught how to be respectful? Did she think she was being cute? How many of this girl are out there? (ha ha).

Sometimes without realizing it, even the inflections we use may cause another to misinterpret the meaning behind what we are saying. How many times are we so consumed in our own thoughts that when a person asks us a question, we only half answer them or worse, our tone indicates we feel we are being bothered?

My affirmation for the coming week is to be totally present in my conversations, to listen, rather than react, to offer love when I don’t have to.  (This and to leave my tears at home where they belong!)

What will be your affirmations?

From the Angels:

image Healing: The highest purpose of your healer guides is to restore your self-awareness and self-esteem as children of God and help you accept the love and unlimited blessings that God grants you.

Opening your heart and mind to your worthiness is the best healing of all.

self-acceptance Self-Acceptance: You are important and know that you are called to add value to the world around you.

You have rich treasure inside you that people need. You have more in you than you realize, and you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

No matter where you are in life today, you have potential to increase, grow, to be strengthened, and to move forward. God created you for His good purpose and you are His masterpiece!

trust Trust: You have to be willing to pour in everything you have before you can see Gods increase flowing in your life. Believe in yourself, the angels emphasize the value of self-trust.

Signs: You have asked for a sign from your angels. Pay close attention to everything going on around you scents, color, objects. Be aware of the messages they are trying to alert you … notice sounds, objects.

You’ve asked for heaven to help you. This card signifies that your angels are trying to get your attention with signs.

They are trying to make contact with you.

Well, I don’t know what will happen now.
We’ve got some difficult days ahead.
But it doesn’t matter with me now.
Because I’ve been to the mountaintop.
And I don’t mind.
Like anybody, I would like to live a long life.
Longevity has its place.
But I’m not concerned about that now.
I just want to do God’s will.
And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain.
And I’ve looked over.
And I’ve seen the promised land.
I may not get there with you.
But I want you to know tonight, that we,
as a people will get to the promised land.
And I’m happy, tonight.
I’m not worried about anything.
I’m not fearing any man.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord

Martin Luther King Jr. – 1968

Weeping may endure for a night but joy comets in the morning. Psalm 30:5

Question mark heart.



Dear God:

I’ve drawn a blank this morning.  How can I be walking around with a huge lump AND a giant hole in my heart at the exact same time?  I’m trying to stick to the path.  I’m trying to feel my feelings without allowing them to paralyze my progress.  It’s so hard.

I know there is nothing for me to do right now, yet the irrational part of me wants to spring into action to try to find a way to heal the situation.  I know I can’t.  I have to sit with this until I have a rational and sensible solution.

It hurts knowing what the real answer is; having to sit on my hands watching the same patterns continue to repeat over and over; knowing that the end result will always be the same. There is no one for me to turn to but you.

I can do nothing but trust in your love, your direction, and your devotion.

So today I’ll get up and occupy myself with hard work and service to others and I’ll do it with a smile on my face and a spark of your joy in my heart.  It’s still in there.  I’ll offer this to you as my sacrifice, that you may shine a concentrated beam of your love, directly on this issue of mine.

I will go where you lead me or I will stay where you have me.

Please send me a sign.


Dear Child:

From my vantage point, all is unfolding as it should.

Have you ever been sorry about doing the right thing except for the part where it hurts?

Pour out your soul to me.   I hear your cries.  I will heal the whole and remove the lump.

Do not give up just before the miracle happens!  Carry on.

I love you.


©2011, Bobbe Ann Crouch

“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always

pray and not give up.  He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither

feared God nor cared about men.  And there was a widow in that town who kept

coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’


 “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I

don’t fear God or care about men,  yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I

will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually wear me out with her

coming!’ ”


And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says.  And will not God

bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he

keep putting them off?  I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly.

However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”…

Luke 18:1-17


From The Angels:

abundance Abundance: Life proceeds out of your intentions for it.

The implication of that are enormous. Your messenger angels are guiding you, embrace this and accept this wholly, and intellectually, you will find yourself experiencing more power, more joy, more creativity, more abundance in every form, more peace, and more love than you ever imagined.

divine-timing Divine Timing: Change can be fast, yet keep in mind the importance of patience and Divine timing, developing a trust in the unseen mysteries of spirit working in your life.

The more that you can approach your own shifting with loving kindness, the smoother your road of change will be. On some days it may still feel like a roller coaster ride, yet your self-love can help you to have the necessary steadiness within.

Pay close attention to doors that are open to you. As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, angels surround you with their love and blessings.

surrender-release Surrender & Release: If we could see the miracle in letting go our whole life would change. Let go, allow God and the angels to help you.

When we willingly release and begin the process of healing from the unhappy situation, we may find we gain the necessary clarity that was not apparent to us before. In having gained clarity individuals often regain their own self-determination and strength.

The angels ask you to try not to control the outcome of your troubling situation. It can take a lot of courage to let go and trust in the decision to do so but It may also be one of the most valuable decisions we can ever make. Let go, and let God help you!


Psychics say the way to end a haunting is to talk to the ghost, set it on the right track, and give it a boot in the behind, right into the light. The next time you find yourself haunted by a painful memory, you might try doing the same thing.


Most people in my life are completely unaware (unless they are immediate family or have read my blogs for eons) that back in 2001 I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The diagnosis was made after I was assaulted that same year. I learned back then, that I had probably developed PTSD much earlier in life.

That being said, I consider myself fully recovered even though I am told it never goes away. I know this is true, because I have completely unexpected flare ups from time to time. I still consider myself recovered, however,  because when the flares do appear, I recognize them and take the proper steps to get into the present moment.

Earlier this week I was blindsided by a situation at work where I felt someone was overstepping his boundaries. We were in an important meeting and he contradicted me several times over things he didn’t even have experience with. Throughout the day, he repeatedly incorrectly answered questions intended for me. At one point he swore I’d been given a certain list, when in fact, I haven’t and so on and so on. The entire scenario felt so ego-driven to me, it triggered a three-day long reaction.

My mind knew that he was acting partly on ego and that his intentions were probably to be helpful, not hurtful. Even so, my PTSD took me back to a time long ago where I felt belittled and betrayed and shamed. Immediately my heart-felt broken, as if none of the people I have come to love so much through my work place, really care about me at all. I sat on the couch that night feeling the familiar pangs of having the best of my intentions mocked as being fake and stupid and worse, that I had no one to go to for help.

Not a pretty place to be.

It’s taken three days to fight my way back to the truth. This was one incident in time with a person who wasn’t self-aware enough to realize he was over-stepping. I choose to believe his intention was to be helpful. I also believe his actions were ego-based, but I have to let that go and not dwell on it.

I make a conscious decision to affirm the following: It’s not true that people do not care about me; that is something from the past. It is a fact that I usually act from a place of purity. There is nothing fake about me. I am worthy. I should be treated with respect. I deserve to feel safe and protected. My mistakes in life do not define me as a failure of a person.

This morning I remembered a passage in one of my favorite books that talks about living according to old patterns that are no longer useful etc. It’s an excellent and thought-provoking little piece.

One doesn’t have to have PTSD to replay old tapes that do not serve any more. How many of us can remember and list every mistake we ever made, but we have trouble remembering the good things we’ve done?


An Angel Reminder: It’s when we mistake memory for life that we get into trouble.

All of us live, to some extent, in haunted houses populated by the noisy ghosts of memory. Voices of parents, grandparents, old lovers may haunt us. Regrets for things done or left undone may dog us, filling us with guilt and freezing us in our tracks every time we try to get on with our lives. Unfortunately, the goblins and demons of the past often shriek and moan so loudly that we can’t hear the present. And so, without even realizing it, we live according to old patterns that are no longer useful, mistaking memory for reality and letting past mistakes destroy present possibilities. When we’re being haunted, it’s helpful to remember that our ghosts are as stuck as we are. They, too, would like to get a life, but they are compelled to repeat their tiresome patterns because they just don’t know any better. Psychics say the way to end a haunting is to talk to the ghost, set it on the right track, and give it a boot in the behind, right into the light. The next time you find yourself haunted by a painful memory, you might try doing the same thing.

Are you being haunted? If so, by what or whom? Are there regrets or past actions that you haven’t resolved, or people from the past who still hold you in their grip? How is this affecting your present life? Have you ever looked these ghosts straight in the eye? When we examine our ghosts, we realize that they really have no power over us, for we can see straight through them.

An Angelic Reflection: I make the distinction between past and present reality.

( “Angel Courage”, Terry Lynn Taylor and Mary Beth Crain, ©1999, Harper San Francisco)


From The Angels:

image Serenity: You are moving into a time of greater inner peace and tranquility.

Peace of mind means feeling secure, and knowing that you’re always provided for. Even if your logical mind cannot fathom how a challenge could be resolved, peace of mind means that you trust that God will create a miraculous solution. This sort of faith is always warranted because faith is a key component in experiencing such miracles.

By drawing this card, the angels reassure you that peace of mind is within you. You can feel serene, even in the midst of great turmoil. It’s a mistake to think that you have to wait until your life is problem free before you can be happy and peaceful. The opposite is actually true. First, you work toward serenity, and then your life challenges lessen and disappear. Serenity is your natural state of mind, and the angels are now working with you to actualize this.

retreat Retreat: Spend some time alone in quiet thought. Clear your mind, and focus on your truth and priorities.

Are you pushing yourself too hard, beloved child of God? The angels remind us that rest is a natural cycle in every living thing. Think of the mighty oak tree that grows in spurts and then rests. It draws its nourishment from deep within the earth, and takes its time before growing upward again. Like the oak tree, it’s important for you to nourish yourself with spiritual and emotional “food.”

While you are resting, take time to reflect on your heart’s true feelings and desires. Your angels speak to you through your heart, and when you listen to and honor your feelings, you walk hand-in-hand with God and the angels. You will know that it is true Divine guidance, and not just your imagination or wishful thinking if it speaks of your desire to make a difference in the world.

emerging Emerging: Your true self-radiant, powerful, successful, and intelligent-is now shining through the surface. Allow your true self to be visible to others, for you lift them up and inspire them.

You are awesome in so many ways, and you are beginning to trust and reveal your true nature more easily. At one time, you may have believed that you had to hide your feelings from others (or even from yourself!). Now, however, you realize how vital and attractive expressing your authentic self is.

Your angels are guiding you to honor your true feelings by expressing them to yourself and others. The angels will help you lovingly talk about your feelings so that no misunderstandings occur with friends and loved ones. Your angels will never guide you to do or say anything that could hurt you or anyone else! They will also ensure that your life will emerge to a new level of inner peace as you let your true self come out and play.

Today’s Prayers:

As you leave this place
may the Living Lord go with you;
May he go behind you, to encourage you,
beside you, to befriend you,
above you, to watch over you,
beneath you, to lift you from your sorrows,
within you, to give you the gifts of faith, hope, and love,
and always before you, to show you the way.

benediction – blair monie

Divine Mother
Mother of the Universe
Bless us with peace
Within and without.

jalaja bonheim – 2000

Help us, O God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for your name’s sake.
— Psalm 79:9 (NIV)

Fearless Hope

I hate feeling unsettled. One minute I am up and ready to take on the world and the next, there are things bubbling up and I’m screaming about nothing. It’s a precarious time for most all of us right now, especially in the USA where we are feeling an upheaval in our country with the upcoming election.


I hate feeling unsettled.  One minute I am up and ready to take on the world and the next, there are things bubbling up and I’m screaming about nothing.  It’s a precarious time for almost all of us right now, especially in the USA where we are feeling an upheaval in our country with the upcoming election. It’s insane the amount of bickering and fighting going on. People who have been friends for years have parted ways because they do not agree on who should be President. The two candidates we have behave in deplorable ways. It’s a scary time for all of us, but for those of us who are ultra sensitive, it can be hard to get out of bed each day.

My husband and I cook for a church each Wednesday, a task I normally love and look forward to. This morning, I’m reaching for the strength to do it and to do it with a smile. I feel sad inside for a number of reasons. I have to keep repeating to myself, “This too shall pass.” I know it will. It always does.

There IS hope.  We don’t HAVE to feel the effects of fear.  For some, this is easier said than done, but it’s a matter of choice.  I personally have no idea what is about to happen with the Government but I do know one thing…it’s up to me (and you too) to be diligent about praying for the people of our Nation and to ask God that our leaders begin to strip down to the heart for the good of this Country of ours.  The time for greed is over.  We’ve been seeing for some time now what greed is capable of doing and has done.  I want no part of it.

I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on my past walk with the Blessed Mother and today I went through my books trying to find the ones that helped me best to strengthen my faith.  I ran across a meditation book called, “Medjugorje Day By Day” (by: Richard J. Beyer), and opened it to October 26.  This is what is says at the top.  It’s part of one of Mary’s messages to the world as given to the visionaries in Medjugorje back in the eighties.

October 26:

The Blessed Mother Speaks of Grace today:

“Dear Children, pray during this month.  God has allowed me to help you every day with graces, in order to protect you from evil.  This month is mine.  I would like to give it to you. Pray and God will give you the graces that you ask for.  I will support your requests.”

(© 1993 Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Indiana)


During a time in my life when I most needed a hand to hold , Mary was there for me.  I am here to tell you She is here now again, and She’ll help anyone who reaches out to Her.

Once upon a time she foretold what is going on in this country right now and I will never forget what She said.  She said this country has been given the most and we have the least gratitude [of all countries] for it.  She also said “God help the mother’s with young children”.  For whatever reason, that one quote has always stuck with me.  All She has asked of me or anyone is to return to putting God first in all of our ways.  She doesn’t specify what religion because frankly, God is God, no matter what name we choose to use.

At a time in my life when I felt there was no human on earth in whom I could place my trust, I took a deep breath and made a promise to hold Her hand and go where She would lead me.  She led me to a deep faith and belief that through God, ALL things are possible.  She specified that there IS still time to change our ways and that through the prayers of many, a lot of terrible things have been averted.  They still are and still can.

So I ask you all to join with me in praying for one another, not just America, but for all people of all Nations.  Pray that God sends an army of Angels to seep into the hearts of those who supposedly lead and want to lead this country and that whomever ends up being the decision maker(s) begins to lead with his/her heart for the good of all.  The fact is that none of us truly know, we only have opinions on who is supposed to be in charge.

WE ARE ONE.  It’s time to take the one true stand we can all take.  Begin and end your days on your knees in prayer.  Ask that God take the lead and show us all the right way.  Ask that God’s will be done, not ours.

It doesn’t fail.  I can promise you this.

My love to all of you!

From The Angels:

answered-prayer Answered Prayer: Fear not, beloved one! Your prayers have been heard and answered.

All of your prayers are always answered. Sometimes you may not feel this way, because the answer comes in unexpected ways. Perhaps you receive an intuitive feeling or a new opportunity appears-or a book falls off the shelf. The angels answer our prayers very often by giving us ideas or information in these everyday ways.

By drawing this card, the angels request that you be extra observant. Notice everything that you hear, say, think, and feel. Be especially alert to help that comes to you, and be sure to accept that help. You do deserve this assistance, and many times God enlists people to act as Earth angels who bring you answers to your prayers.


harmony Harmony: Conflict is resolved in a situation that was troubling you. Know that you deserve this peace and happiness, and accept it graciously.

Beloved child of God, you are a peace-lover at heart. This card comes to you as a sign of new harmony that dawns upon you. Let go of viewing the situation as troubled, and see yourself and others through the eyes of your guardian angels. In this way, you’ll look past the surface and see the beauty and light that eternally shines within everyone.

By shifting your viewpoint to the angelic perspective, you become an Earth angel. Holding an elevated viewpoint sparks miraculous healing in all of your relationships. Conflict drops away, revealing the clean and new truth about everyone and everything.

study Study:  Don’t let the pressures of life push those dreams down. Stir up those dreams. Shake off every disappointment and press forward. This is a new day. Get a new vision. Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, you are going to keep pressing forward. This is an important time for you to learn new ideas or skills.

You are going to keep growing. You are going to keep learning. You are going to stay active. If you will stay passionate about life, knowing what your purpose is and being your best every day, God will pour out His blessings to you. Perhaps you feel guided to enroll in a class and this card confirms that feeling.

Make the choice to keep your dreams in front of you. Remember, you have a purpose. You have a destiny. You were created to make a difference to impact our society to make this world a better place. You are being guided to enroll in class, continue your education.



Today’s Prayers:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee

Blessed art thou among women

and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, mother of God,

pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour of our death.


Latest Body Count

I am not a zombie fan. I’m not a fan of the vampire movies and shows. I’m not a fan of the ghost chasing shows. In fact, I’m repelled by the anything to do with darkness, including haunted houses and most aspects of Halloween…yes, even the candy….and I’ve been this way since I was a child.


Last night it seemed like every one of my friends was flipping out over the fact that  the latest season of “The Walking Dead” was premiering.

I am not a zombie fan. I’m not a fan of the vampire movies and shows. I’m not a fan of the ghost chasing shows. In fact, I’m repelled by the anything to do with darkness, including haunted houses and most aspects of Halloween…yes, even the candy….and I’ve been this way since I was a child. People try to tell me it’s fun to be scared. Halloween only comes once a year. It’s okay to fantasize once in a while. Really? Is this what your fantasy really is?

I recall a time, long ago, when the Blessed Mother shocked me into reality simply by saying to step back and break down what is actually going on to its simplest form. What are we really celebrating? What are we focusing our time and energy on? You put an entire graveyard in your front yard and you have zombies and monsters and vampires hanging in your trees and you put a label on it called, “decorating for Halloween”.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Excuse me, when you put GRAVES and dead people in your front yard. What are you actually celebrating? It’s not a fun holiday that comes around once per year.

Think about it.

When the first Vampire Diary type show hit the air, I felt a little tug in my heart. I liken it to the sprouting of a seed of dread. One show like this that becomes a hit always spawns fifteen more and then some. If we do not think that what we focus our attention on has any impact on the way we live our daily lives, we’re living in la-la land. Likewise, television and film often mimic trends of interest in modern society. Really? Is THIS what we’re interested in? Or is it that film and television execs are having a good joke on us and that they think of the public as a form of consumer zombie, who doesn’t think much about what it’s being fed? (Ding ding ding ding!!)

Remember back when your parents used to say, “You ARE the company you keep?” The same holds true for what you place your emphasis and attention on.

Years ago when it first aired, I tried to watch the show, “The Walking Dead”, with an open mind. I admit the first few episodes were compelling, very well done and pretty well written. Long about the fourth and fifth episodes, my stomach started to turn and I felt my insides getting ready to stage a revolt. Last night I fell asleep before it began (no intention of watching it) but I woke to a scene that was so horrific it jolted me upright and it angered me to my core.

I fail to see how such disturbing graphic gore, violence and psychological trauma constitutes as entertainment. What little I heard, because I refused to open my eyes and look, still makes me angry today.

The entire matter makes me sad. The only way to fight it is to stop consuming this stuff. Turn off the television, stop going to the films, stop buying the ridiculous nonsense being sold to us.

Honestly, what do you think God, Himself would feel about all this?


Tune In For the Latest Body Count

An Angel Reminder: Watched by an angel.

What if you were an angel watching TV for the first time? If you were channel surfing, what would you notice prevails on the tube? Have you ever noticed that most of our prime-time TV dramas center around death by way of murder (or worse, these days it’s death by Zombie)? Have you realized that most new programming, especially local news, is little more than a body count of recent tragic deaths? And those TV shows that are not based on murder or death are based on betrayal, like soap operas. The shows that are billed as comedies portray exaggerated, inane behavior that we don’t want to admit is going on. So what do you think the angels would say about our TV programming and its reflection of the collective consciousness? Is human life really like it is portrayed on TV?

Think about the last time you watched something truly edifying and inspirational on TV. How often does it occur, and how easy is it to find? Next time you watch TV, pretend you are an angel. When a body count is happening, pray that God watches over the souls as they make their passage. Take a new look at what you spend a lot of your time looking at.

An Angelic Reflection: I will pay more attention to the angels’ view of our world.

(Angel Courage: Terry Lynn Taylor and Mary Beth Crain. (c)1999 Harper Collins San Francisco)

From The Angels:

children Children: Children are a tremendous blessing to us, but they are also a tremendous responsibility that God has entrusted to us. As parents, we have been entrusted to nurture, train, teach and prepare our children for life.

Are you taking time to invest in your children? And if you don’t have any children, how about your nieces and nephews? We all have things that we’ve learned: skills, talents, life experiences, wisdom. You have a responsibility to transfer what we know to the next generation. When you invest in somebody else, you will continue to live on. Your life can have influence for generations to come if you will take time to invest in people. The only way this is going to happen is if you are taking time to invest in them. If you are not careful, you will substitute activity for attention. Understand, your children need you more than they need another activity.

The best legacy is not what you leave for people. It’s what you leave in people. You have a wealth of knowledge that God has entrusted you with. You are not supposed to keep that to yourself. You should be passing that on to somebody else. You have a responsibility to transfer what we know to the next generation. If you need guidance all you need to do is ask, we are always here for you.

imageHealing: The highest purpose of your healer guides is to restore your self-awareness and self-esteem as children of God and help you accept the love and unlimited blessings that God grants you.

Opening your heart and mind to your worthiness is the best healing of all.

power Power: The power of your Creator is within you. It doesn’t matter if you’re facing a situation that seems larger than life or something that is a small hurdle the angels and God want to help you overcome it all!

The key to finding resolve in so many of life’s circumstances is to stay in the right frame of mind. You have the power of your Creator within you, all of the His greatness brings into focus who He is; faithful, righteous, good, honest and it diminishes the negative problems you are facing.

You have all the power of Divine love it is unlimited allow yourself shine. He is the one who with just his voice spoke the world and universe and cosmos into being, yet he is interested in the smallest and most intimate details of your life.

Isaiah 40:28-31
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Today’s Prayers:

Holy Spirit,
Giving life to all life,
Moving all creatures,
Root of all things,
Washing them clean,
Wiping out their mistakes,
Healing their wounds,
You are our true life,
Luminous, wonderful,
Awakening the heart from its ancient sleep.

hildegarde of bingen – 12 century