Carry On

I delight in your laughter, your smiles, your honest tears and your vulnerability. Continue to speak your truth without concern of what anyone may think or feel or do or say. This is between you and I and I am pleased by your love.


Dear Child:

I delight in your laughter, your smiles, your honest tears and your vulnerability.  Continue to speak your truth without concern of what anyone may think or feel or do or say.  This is between you and me and I am pleased by your love.

Carry on.

I love you.


©2011, BAC


Help us, O God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for your name’s sake.

— Psalm 79:9 (NIV)


From The Angels:

new-beginnings New Beginnings:  This is an opportunity to begin a new start you have great opportunities arise and new experiences.

Enjoy the new energy in your life, including new opportunities, people, and projects. Drastic change can be frightening the angels surround you now with loving energy.

playfulness Playfulness:  It is time to have fun and play. The angles are recalling your inner child.

Remember the excitement of the first time you learned to ride a bicycle or getting ice cream. Laughing and having fun relaxes you.

The angels want you to know this relaxation gives you a greater inflow of ideas, spiritual connections, Divine guidance, and energy. Your energy and positive personality attracts wonderful and helpful people to you.

power Power: The power of your Creator is within you. It doesn’t matter if you’re facing a situation that seems larger than life or something that is a small hurdle the angels and God want to help you overcome it all!

The key to finding resolve in so many of life’s circumstances is to stay in the right frame of mind. You have the power of your Creator within you, all of the His greatness brings into focus who He is; faithful, righteous, good, honest and it diminishes the negative problems you are facing.

You have all the power of Divine love it is unlimited allow yourself shine. He is the one who with just his voice spoke the world and universe and cosmos into being, yet he is interested in the smallest and most intimate details of your life.

image Archangel Michael: Rapid change is often unsettling and can be stressful, but only because it seems to be too rapid and therefore threatening. Remember that you have agreed on the higher level to be part of the change, and that the changes are to bring in Light, Love, Joy and Abundance.

Operate from your Heart rather than your head. If there is fear, then it is coming from your head. Stay grounded and open, and be practical. If you are in the flow of Divine Creative energy, then you cannot fail.

Archangel Michael is making his presence known to you. Remember that you are Safe and Protected at all times, and that all is in Divine Order at all times! If you trust Divine Order, and not your old habits, you will be fine! God and the angels will help you stay true to yourself during trying times.

Today’s Prayers:

How wonderful, O Lord, are the works of your hands!

The heavens declare Your glory,

the arch of the sky displays Your handiwork

In Your love You have given us the power

to behold the beauty of Your world

robed in all its splendor.

The sun and the stars, the valleys and the hills,

the rivers and the lakes all disclose Your presence.

The roaring breakers of the sea tell of Your awesome might,

the beast of the field and the birds of the air

bespeak Your wondrous will.

In Your goodness You have made us able to hear

the music of the world.

The voices of the loved ones

reveal to us that You are in our midst.

A divine voice sings through all creation.

-traditional jewish prayer-


Father in Heaven,

You made me Your child

and called me to walk in the Light of Christ.

Free me from darkness

and keep me in the Light of Your Truth.

The Light of Jesus has scattered

the darkness of hatred and sin.

Called to that Light,

I ask for Your guidance.

Form my life in Your Truth,

my heart in Your Love.

Through the Holy Eucharist,

give me the power of Your Grace

that I may walk in the Light of Jesus

and serve Him faithfully.


Author: Bobbe

I'm just a person. I've been a mystic sharing inspirational experiences and stories my entire life. This blog is a personal experiment in self reflection and expression with a few angel readings and recipes sprinkled in for good measure. (I've always got something cooking!)

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