
As a creative person, I often feel a knocking inside my heart that says, “Let it out!  It’s time!” So this morning while I have a few hours and no set schedule, I decided my fingers should try to take dictation from my heart. The fact that my computer screen just started flashing the moment I finished that sentence, is good indication that the Universe concurs. The fact that it flashed on and off again in the exact same spot just after I read this aloud to myself -really seals the deal. It’s been too long.

Most people know me from another blog I write, entitled: Bobbe’s Trinity Angels“.  This isn’t that. So often I feel like writing about random happenings in my life.  I sign on to that site and what I want to write doesn’t seem appropriate, so I keep it bottled inside. So here is where I will post those items that do not always fit into the “inspirational musings” category. I can weave inspiration into most anything, but in my real life, sometimes I do feel pain, sadness,  sorrow, silliness, weirdness and yes, even outrage. So because I’m a person who feels better when things are in the “proper” place, this will be the space for all that.

Yesterday I had a delightful visit from a lady I barely know, who walked into my office, unannounced, unfolded a chair and sat down. We’d been talking on the phone fairly often about a position I’m trying to secure. She felt it was time to put a face with my voice and go deeper into who I really am. She announced it wasn’t an interview, but rather just a visit to find out, “Who ARE you?”

I don’t think I’ve been asked this question before.

It forced me to sit still a minute and to reflect on what to say in response. It’s easy to talk about what I do for a living, where I live, who my friends are, what I know,etc… but who AM I? That question forced me go right to where my reality lives. Instantly, I found myself talking about my life and what has shaped me; which opened the floor for more questions. It was a joyful, wonderful, heart-filled conversation (my favorite).  At one point she looked around my office and seeing my paintings and hearing my stories she asked, “If you could do it all over again, where would you be?  What would you do?”.  I laughed and said I’d probably be exactly where I am today except I’d have more power, I’d have all ready published a few books and I’d have the official title, “Reverend” in front of my name. (Yeah that’s right, you read it here first!) Additionally, I’d like to get back into motivational speaking.

“Yes, the speaking is definitely on my bucket list for later!”, I said with total glee.

She gave me a supreme compliment at this point when she said, “Well you are an excellent story teller. You should be out there sharing.”

Can you imagine a heart smiling?  Mine was.

When I got home I reflected further on who I am at my core and I can only come up with one word, Love. Sounds trite doesn’t it?

In thinking about who I am, I have to go inside and ask myself what are the things that are most important to me; what are my values; what do I stand for in this life; why am I here? When I come up from this deep thought, I see myself only as a child of the Most High and as long as I’m connected to Him, I have love flowing through my veins. THIS makes me want to work in service of others and when I get to do THAT in even the tiniest form,  JOY arrives.

Yesterday I had a joyful conversation with a new friend. While I may not have the new position secure, I’m grateful that God sent me a message through this lady.  I needed to stop and reflect on who I AM and really ask the question, is my life on course with what’s in my heart.  Gratefully, with a few exceptions, it is.

Who are you?  

Have you ever been asked this question?

 What would you say?

